Chapter 19

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A/N for the purpose of this chapter just imagine that Johzenji is like a neighbouring school or something.

Also I was feeling really inspired so I published two chapters um... you're welcome I guess??

Okay enjoy🖤

Kenma's POV

The week had passed by far too quickly. I spent every night at Kuroo's house which was awkward at first but I got used to it. However, my mother comes back on Saturday so today was the last day I could spend with him. And with my luck, today was his practice match with Johzenji. I suppose seeing him actually playing would be exciting but I wanted to spend my time with him, one-on-one.

I may not have shown it, but when he asked me to be his boyfriend I wanted to hug him then kiss him a thousand times and never let him go. I didn't even know how I'd tell my mother that I had a boyfriend. I never acted particularly straight or anything but still- romance had never come up when me and her spoke.

It was now after school and I spotted him waiting for me outside my maths classroom. He did that a lot nowadays which was rather sweet of him but I felt bad that, instead of warming up for the match, he was waiting for me.

"What's up pudding head" another thing to mention- that's all he's been calling me. I didn't mind, per say. It was just getting repetitive.

"Stop calling me that you idiot~" it came out more whiney than I had intended it to.

"Since you asked ever-so-nicely" I saw him roll his eyes but smiled nevertheless. We couldn't really be open about our relationship to the school, or to our friends for that matter. Of course, I had my suspicions, that Oikawa and Akaashi had picked up on it. Oikawa would always do something weird when he saw us together and Akaashi would shush him or hit him round the head. Which was unusual for Akaashi. Besides, we had that conversation in class which seemed to mean he knew about it.

He led me to the volleyball team club room which I hadn't actually been to before. It was quite roomy and had a nice smell. I thought it would smell disgusting like the boys locker room or something.

"Wait here I'll go get changed" Kuroo left me standing around while he went to the bathroom. It's not like I hadn't seen him changing before... what with us practically living together all week and everything. I hadn't seen his parents once though... I found it odd but I chose not to question him since he had said they left early and came home late.

"Okay I'm done" he had gotten changed surprisingly fast. "You ready to go?"


Walking from the club room to the gym, there was no one in sight. You'd think this school was abandoned. He suddenly took my hand which surprised me but I enjoyed it a lot. I could feel I was blushing so I turned away but he quickly stopped us in our tracks and turned my face towards his with his fingers.

"I told you not to do that anymore"

"Do what"

"Turn away from me. I want to see your face. Don't feel embarrassed or anything. If you don't want me to hold your hand in public just tell me okay?"

"Yeah... it's not that though. I love it when you do that."

"Well I'm glad then"

He dragged me to the gym to find Johzenji had already gotten here and were warming up alongside our team. I hadn't actually met any of them or even seen a real volleyball game for that matter. I saw Akaashi, Bokuto, Oikawa and Iwaizumi sitting in the corner of the gym on a bench which seemed to have been put out especially for them. I waved goodbye to Kuroo and ran to where they were sitting.

But what if... (KuroKen)Where stories live. Discover now