Chapter 13

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Akaashi's POV

Kenma-san seemed like a genuinely kind, calm and caring person. The opposite of Kuroo. He was more of the "break them before they break my face" type of guy. So it did rather surprise me when I saw them two together, acting like a couple. They were walking ahead of the rest of us and I could see Kuroo was teasing Kenma-san about something, though I'm not sure what. He was giggling a whole load though so, at least he was having fun.

Regardless of what his intentions with Kenma-san were, at least now I had another second year as a friend. Since I only hung out with these idiots, and they were all third years, I was alone during most of class. Yes I did have some friends here and there but nothing too special. But I didn't mind it, I had more time to think besides, anyone my age is pretty much brain-dead. Except from Kenma-san it seems. And he felt like best friend material. And if Kuroo was to hurt him in any way-
A) I'd hurt Kuroo
B) I'd snatch Kenma-san from him and be his new best friend
C) eat ice cream

Yes the ice cream part is very important it's what builds up best friend relationships.

We shortly arrived at the school and Oikawa took out a hair pin, trying to pick the gym door lock. "What are you trying to do Oikawa-san?" I put my hand on my hip and leaned on one leg.

"Trying to open the door." He said not looking up from the task at hand. He stuck his tounge out a little. It was a habit I noticed him displaying quite often. He did it usually when he was trying to concentrate. Bokuto-san had a similar thing but, instead of sticking his tounge out, he'd bite his bottom lip. It was very attractive, to say the least. And also very distracting when I'm trying to focus on something.

"And why are you trying to do that? Didn't our gym teacher give you a key since he trusted you oh-so-mighty-smart-shittykawa" Iwaizumi spoke what I was thinking. Minus the rudeness to it. I never really understood people who were over-the-top mean. Sarcastic I understood. I was very saracastic myself but mean was something I could never do, neither wanted to.

"Well- yeah but- I forgot it" he mumbled.

"And why's that idiot" Kuroo shook his head.

"Because yours and Kenma's pda infront of my house distracted me from reme- oomph" Kuroo smacked Oikawa around the head and scolded him because they were 'doing no such thing' according to Kuroo and Kenma. These two were very entertaining and I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"WHATS THISSSSSS- Akaashi smiling?!?!?" Bokuto jumped around me, after which shaking my shoulders harshly. Its true, I didn't smile a lot because emotions weren't my strong suit. After all, being a setter entails you have to be calm, collected and be able to keep your teammates calm during matches too. So for me, showing no emotion was good practice for that. In my brain, showing no emotion = always calm.

"Got it" Oikawa said and we heard the door click, swinging open to reveal the gym we'd practically lived in these past 2-3 years. And now we had a new addition to the family. Everything was already set up for us, all we had to do was get the balls out of the storage cupboard. Kuroo volunteered to go get them and said he'd bring Kenma with him to show him around. I saw Kenma tuck a piece of hair behind his ear and follow Kuroo, not looking up from his feet.

Kuroo's POV

Kenma followed me to the storage cupboards, being even quieter than usual. I don't know what had gotten in to him, probably gaming withdrawal, knowing how he got with gaming.

"One of the ball trolleys should be over there. I'll get the one form this side" I pointed it to him. He nodded and looked to where I had showed him. I stared at him as he dragged his feet towards the trolley.

He stopped infront of it and huffed a little. After this, he took a hair band out of his pocket and put it in between his teeth, pulling his hair in a low bun. He then took the hair band and twisted it around his hair. He turned around and waved at me a little, probably trying to get me to stop spacing out. Thing is I wasn't spacing out, I was just starstruck. Some of the front pieces of his hair were still falling into his face which made it even more cute.

"Okay that's it" I mumbled but Kenma seemed to have heard it since he tilted his head and sent me a questioning look.

I approached him quickly at first, but slowing down when I got closer. I stood infront of him, my face inches from his. He looked up and quirked his eyebrow.

Third person POV

"I tried to do this sooner but Oikawa interrupted so better late than never" Kuroo said in a hushed voice, while Kenma just stared, trying to breathe properly. Kuroo grabbed Kenma's waist,pulling him closer and leaned in, placing his lips on Kenma's. After the initial shock, Kenma wrapped his hands around Kuroo's neck and kissed back. This surprised Kuroo a bit, he didn't really expect Kenma to want to kiss him back, much less be so forward about it. The kiss was short, but sweet. Kenma had somehow ended up leaning against the wall of the gym storage cupboard which made it hard for him to breathe.

Kenma slowly untangled his arms from around Kuroo's neck and blushed, looking at the floor.

"Hey don't do that" Kuroo whispered.

"Do what" Kenma asked, still looking down.

"Not looking at me. I want to see your cute face" he replied and put a finger under Kenma's chin, pushing it up so Kenma was looking him in the eyes. Kuroo left another small kiss on Kenma's lips before pulling away completely. "We should head back. They'll get suspicious" Kuroo rubbed his neck.

"Yeah..." Kenma turned around to look for the ball trolley. What just happened. Did I imagine it? He wondered.

"Oh and.. Kenma?" Kuroo called. Kenma whipped his head around. "Come round to mine again?" Kuroo was hoping they could talk about what had happened and maybe resolve some unspoken feelings.

"I was hoping you'd ask" Kenma smiled and turned to the trolley once again.


I couldn't make y'all wait anymore.
Also not me switching POV so many times😭✋🏻

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