Chapter 20

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A/N as you can tell I very much am in love with Johzenji ESPECIALLY mr tongue piercing and Bobata👀


Kenma's POV

"To force the coach to let me play in the second set"

"Kenma- I'm not saying you're bad at the game. You're actually better than I expected especially for a beginner. But he'll say no. There's no way he'd let you" I understood where Oikawa was coming from I really didn't want to see the team struggling. Even if it was a practice match I still cared too much.

"If you're not gonna help me convince him... then let go"

"I hope you don't regret this" he stood up and walked beside me to where the coach was sitting.

"Hey coach... i tried to tell him that it couldn't be a good idea but-"

"But I wanna try be the setter for the team" the coach looked unfazed by what I had said. His face remained in the small smile it had held prior to us approaching him.

"I think we have a new uniform that our old setter never got to wear. You don't mind playing as number 5 do you? it's not your unlucky number or anything?" Was he being serious or trying to embarrass me. At this point I heard that the match had stopped and saw Kuroo looking over to where we were, his expression unreadable.

"It's actually my lucky number..."

"Well that's amazing! It was meant to me" was this guy being absolutely serious.

"I gotta ask coach, why are you so lenient" I could hear the doubtfulness in Oikawa's voice though if I was to ask I'm sure mine would sound the same.

"Well... I saw you guys practicing one morning. This kid over here gave the best toss to Kuroo that he's probably ever received. Kuroo had never hit a ball that hard and I've been his coach for the three years he's been here" that's why I had the feeling someone was watching me the whole time on Wednesday.

"So uh do I just put it on and like join in or..."

"Yeah the boys will finish this set by the time you change and we'll ask them for 10 minutes so you can get aquatinted with the boys" this honestly felt to perfect to be happening. It felt weird to think about playing volleyball with your boyfriend on the same team.

I walked to the change rooms, slightly regretting my choice now. What if the boys didn't like me... what if Kuroo got mad at me... what if I cost them the match...

All these things were circulating my mind as I got changed. The uniform fit almost too perfectly and I couldn't help but think that maybe this was meant to happen. However, my nerves caught up to me and, on my walk back to the gym, I threw up in a trash can. However, I was still determined to help them no matter what.

Walking into the gym I saw they had a finished the set 25-19 for Johzenji. I hoped I could help our team win even though I'm sure I'd get in the way more than actually help.

"Ah Kenma. You're back" The coach was quick to spot me walking in. Secretly, I hoped he'd change his mind about me playing. Even though I'd asked him for this myself I'd quickly changed my mind. Kuroo waved me over to where the team were stretching.

"Why you wearing the uniform" his tone didn't seem angry, per say, more... bored. Though I'd probably pin that on the fact that they lost a set to a bunch of goofballs.

"I may have sorta told the coach I'd set for you guys and I know I'm not all the good and I'll probably mess u-"

"No way Kenma. That's awesome! You're really good for a beginner. As long as we have a setter who isn't Fukunaga here... we'll be good" One of the boys, probably the infamous Fukunaga himself, started complaining from behind Kuroo but he ignored him.

"Yeah haha~" I didn't know how to act in this setting. He seemed different when talking to me, probably the fact the the wanted to avoid anyone finding out we were dating. Still, it hurt a bit- it was a bit too "what's up bruh" for my liking.

"Wanna practice with each of our spikers so you get a feel for how they like the ball set for them? You already know mine so you only have to practice with five people. Do it five times each that's 25 times you'll set and get a feel for it. Okay? Okay" he sure was enthusiastic when it came to this. I suppose volleyball to him was what video games were to me.

"Sounds good" it didn't. I just didn't want to show how nervous I truly was.

We practiced for 10 minutes and I gotta say... this was easier than I thought it would be. I adapted to what each spiker wanted pretty quickly (according to Kuroo that is) and soon enough, it was time for the second set against Johzenji. And this time... Nekoma aren't losing.

Walking into the court itself, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I hadn't anticipated I'd get this much attention but I distinctly remember Kuroo mentioning how the setter was the position which controlled the game play so maybe that's why everyone was so eager to see me.

The starting rotation had me in the middle and Kuroo to my left. He told me this would be the easiest start for us. The guy on the opposite side of the net had blondey -yellow hair and ear piercings. He was starting at me very intently though it didn't feel uncomfortable in the least.

"Hey. You. The one who's hair looks like pudding" what the fuck, why was everyone saying that. It was no one other than the guy infront of me who had called to me. When he spoke, I also noticed he had a tongue piercing.


"You ever played before"


"Well good luck. You'll do great." He did an over-exaggerated thumbs up and I couldn't tell if he was being serious or sarcastic. Probably serious since the whole team seemed to act like they were rays of sunshine. Even their uniform was yellow which just added to my statement.

"Thanks Mr tongue piercing..."

"Haha~ I like the nickname"

"Let's play" both teams yelled which startled me but I regained my composure, or whatever I had left of it, when the whistle blew and the other team served to us.

"Let's have a good set, Pudding head" the boy with the tongue piercing seemed to have a surge in confidence which scared me a little. I could see it in his eyes that he thought he couldn't lose.

Th ball flew over the net and was received by one of of our guys. Everyone yelled something along the lines of "nice receive". This was far more noisy when you see this close to the action, which was a problem- I hated loud noises. They made me feel claustrophobic. Another problem. The ball was flying straight to me.

When we were practicing yesterday, Oikawa had told me that composure, analysis and quick thinking is what makes the difference between a bad setter and a genius. Looking to my left. I saw Kuroo was ready to jump if I tossed to him. On my other side was the guy with the mowhawk. My best bet was to toss to Kuroo since we had the most experience playing together. I felt the ball hit my hands and I tossed it, just like I had all week, every morning. I could tell it was a bit too powerful for what Kuroo had told me but I trusted him. Sure enough, he slammed it down and we scored the first point of the set.

"Told you you could do it" Kuroo looked smug. And I was very proud of myself.


Sorry if this kinda sucks I started school today and it's been super stressful and yeah anyway uh
Also I didn't proof read this so if you find any mistakes pls tell me lol
And guess what we just found out we have to move house immediately 😃😃😃
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