Chapter 5

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Oikawa's POV

——Monday morning——

I was standing outside Kuroo's house, tapping my foot to the rhythm of this one song which has been circulating my head for a while. It reminded me of Iwa-chan so naturally I listened to it every single chance I got because I felt closer to him. Closer to what I longed for from him. But I knew he would never give it to me. After all, even if he did somehow have feelings for me his own pride and reputation will be his downfall so there's no way in hell that he'll sacrifice all that to be with a piece of shit such as myself.

"How long were you waiting" Kuroo shouted from his door as he slipped his shoes on.

"Not too long" I replied. A lie. Clearly. I waited for a good half an hour but it's not that he was slow. No. He was on time like always. I just couldn't bear to stay in my house a second longer than I needed to.

"Well? Are you gonna move or..." Kuroo nudged me which brought me out of my thoughts. I nodded and we were off to school. However, he didn't pay much attention to me but, instead, he was staring at his phone the entire time. Rather odd if you asked me. Kuroo usually valued every moment with his friends but he was different today.

"Who're you texting?" I leaned over his shoulder in an attempt to get a closer look but he quickly pulled away from me and put the phone in his pocket. Then, I noticed it.
"Kuroo... don't tell me you're... blushing who's got my little hyena all flustered" I cooed and tried to pinch his cheeks. He slapped by arm away rather harshly. I don't know what I was expecting from such a successful spiker such as himself though.

"Fuck off Shittykawa. I'm not! It's just chilly outside"

"It's literally April"

"Too hot?"

"Shut up and tell me what's going on you idiot. Who's got you so head over heels if I may say. Maybe the girl- no correction- BOY you wanted to tell us about of the group chat?"

"Okay fine promise not to tell Bokuto or Akaashi or even Iwaizumi anything okay?" I nodded. "So here's the thing I-"


Bokuto jumped us from behind. This route we took every school morning went to each of our friends houses before eventually stopping at school. Quite lucky we ended up living close to each other but also, at this very moment, it left me hanging and the one thing I hated more than anything was not being aware of a situation which was presented infront of me.

"Nothing, nothing" I waved it off. I would make sure to interrogate Kuroo later though. No way in hell is he getting away with this one.

"Sorry guys I forgot I had to actually go do some studying for an exam coming physics" Kuroo stood up suddenly from our table and walked off without another word. Odd. I took the opportunity to follow him before anyone else could. Of course, I had to be sneaky about this. Why? Because Kuroo NEVER studies. Not for his favourite lessons and especially not for his least favourite- physics. Besides, it was the one lesson where non of our friends were in so he could easily get away with it without another word.

The one positive thing that living in a conservative household had taught me is pay attention to details. Big, small, ANYTHING which could allow you to deduct information. Always tie the loose ends so they never come back to bite you in the ass. Always look behind you. Always expect the worst.

I saw him walking into the library with a little prance in his step- Maybe he did come to study after all. But not our Kuroo. I mean the boy was skipping- There has to be a good reason. I quickly snuck in and hid behind the shelfs I saw him slip between. There, he was met with a boy. I didn't know him. Maybe a first or second year? But why? He's not the spontaneous type. He wouldn't just hand out with someone for no good reason. He really hated people.

I decided it would be best to listen in. I know I know a shitty thing to do but I gotta live up to "shittykawa" , courtesy of iwa-chan.

"Hey" I heard Kuroo whisper. I also head a game console. Must be the other boy's.

"Hey" he muttered back. He sure didn't seem to be looking forward to this conversation. Can't blame him. Kuroo's quite scary looking... but we love him anyway.

"I promised and I'm here to deliver" is he... dealing drugs to a second or even worse- first year???

"I told you, try your best but nothing can impress me" the younger boy mumbled. I could see in between the shelves that the boy hadn't looked up from his gaming console once. Was he actually gonna deal him drugs or am I being stupid? Drugs to this little pudding head? He looked so sweet and innocent...

"Well... you might change your mind if you give me a chance"

"I don't feel like it"

"Kenma~" Kuroo whined. So the boy's name was Kenma. But it didn't sound like a last name I've ever heard and there's no way in hell he'd be on a first name basis with someone younger than him. And considering he doesn't even call his best friends by their first names-

"Shut up Kuroo. Cant you see I'm doing something important" wow little pudding got an attitude problem? Maybe drug withdrawal.

"Well I brought you some things-" right that's it.

I walked up from a round the bookshelf and stood head on I front of Kuroo. He was a bit taller than me but I tired to maintain my edge. The boy behind him looked awfully interested in the scene in front of him. Or rather- I guess he was? This was the first time he's looked up from his console so it must be more entertaining.

"Look Kuroo I love you man but I won't allow you to deal drugs to younger students" I stated. He literally bent in half and started cackling his hyena laugh harder than I've ever heard it before.

——5 mins later——

We all got kicked out the library. Little - Kenma his name was?- included.

"What the fuck Loserkawa. No. This calls for Shittykawa actually." I've never seen Kuroo so worked up before.

"You said you brought stuff~ sounds like drug dealing to me" I defended.

"I brought him lunch" he shook his head. I giggled a little at my obvious mistake but payed it no more attention. Instead-

"I want answers and I want them now" I stated simply, leaning against the pole infront of the library, hands in my pockets, trying to look as unbothered as I possibly could.

"Fine" he huffed. I only just noticed little Kenma-chan slightly hiding behind Kuroo but, regardless, he was clicking away of the Nintendo switch like his life depended on it.

"First off..." I nodded towards Kenma.

"A friend I met online last week" Kuroo responded.

"Right. Right. So... no drugs?"

"Not at all"

"Good that's all I needed to know. For now. You'll answer the rest on the way home. Bye Kuroo you idiot. Bye little Kenma-chan". I waved at him and walked back to the table
It seems my presence was unneeded in this situation but that's was totally fine by me because... I had a feeling... Kuroo might actually find everything he was looking for in this one boy. This little, game obsessed boy.

Aye I wrote a long chapter yay me😭😭😭

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