Chapter 17

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Oikawa's POV

Standing outside Kenma's apartment with these three awkwardly gay turds sure was a task in its own. As if I'm one to speak though. I'm probably the least straight of any of them.

"Oi Shittykawa" great. Iwaizumi had to be the one to break the silence. This would either go one of two ways: he'll bully me or he'll bully me relentlessly until Akaashi or Bokuto have to pry him off of me.

"What is it Iwa-chan"

"You know... Kenma's door reminds me of you" I knew what was coming next so I just rolled my eyes and tried my best to ignore everyone snickering even before he'd cracked the year old joke. "Cos you're both flat"

Everyone burst into laughter as if it was the first time he'd said it even though it's basically been his go-to bullying line for three years.

"Hey now... this door actually has a few bumps here and there..." Bokuto really did know how to make any joke even funnier. Even I had to laugh a bit at that. "Hey hey hey see? He agrees with me"

"I don't agree... I can just appreciate a smart-ass comment when I hear one" it was true, for the record.

"Guys... maybe don't make so much noise. There could be people in their apartments trying to spend quality time together and you shouting about how flat Oikawa is doesn't help that" Akaashi sure knew how to add a dig into everything he said.

"Well we know Kenma and Kuroo are for sure enjoying themselves" Iwaizumi always thought it was hilarious to make jokes about Kuroo being gay since he seemed to be the "straightest" to us but after the conversation we had the other day I really don't think it was a joke anymore... just pure facts.

Akaashi made a face which showed me he knew as much as I did on the topic. Iwaizumi and Bokuto were love virgins so they'd never know what it actually felt like to be in love. Me and Akaashi had actually spent countless nights together talking about our crushes on our friends. He was the one person everyone could rely on. Though sometimes I got the feeling he didn't t me all that much.

"Maybe don't make jokes about them... they're right in there you know" Akaashi tried his best to calm the others down but they were both practically on the floor cry-laughing. "Hmph" Akaashi turned and started pacing up and down the hallways. He was always calm and collected but when someone ignored him he became a tornado of hot fury. Also being a setter, I understood since our positions made us the "authority figure" of the group.

"Guys maybe you really should quiet down" I knew they wouldn't listen to me but it was worth a shot.

"Fine fine. Better not disturb their sweet love-making" at this very moment, I wanted to punch Iwaizumi in the face. Just because I was in love with him didn't mean I wouldn't do it.

"You're disgusting" I knew I shouldn't have said anything but I felt the need to defend Kuroo and Kenma. But then again, Kuroo obviously told Akaashi something about how he felt so he must have mentioned something to these two idiots. "How much do you two actually know?"

"So it's true then? They really do like each other?" Shit. I hadn't meant to make it sound like that, despite the fact that it was exactly what it was.

"No no I'm just saying that maybe since you guys make so many jokes about it maybe he told you that he likes Kenma or something"

"Nice cover" Akaashi was back. He said it in a hushed voice so the boys infront of me wouldn't hear.

"Oh oh okay. I thought he'd told you something"

"Who told someone what?" Kenma and Kuroo walked out the apartment. Immediately me and Akaashi looked at each other and were now cackling, just like Bokuto and Iwaizumi had been a few minutes ago. Kenma quirked his head.

"You go ahead we'll catch up in a second." I've never seen Akaashi laugh so much. I wonder if he had seen what I had too. Once everyone was gone I had to ask him.

"Did you see it..."


"Kenma's hair was so ruffled"

"And Kuroo's shirt was on backwards" Akaashi looked like he was about to pass out from how much he was laughing and my lungs hurt so bad they were about to fall out of my chest. "I'm sure they didn't do anything serious though"

"Yeah Kenma's too shy and Kuroo's never been good with his feelings"

"How did you find out about them two anyway?"

"Kuroo told me the other day when we were walking home. What about you?"

"He texted me at like 4am a few weeks ago telling me about how he thought he was falling in love. And I was just like... oh shit"

Oh shit indeed.


This was kinda short but I felt like I wasn't giving you guys enough of them so here's some BokuAka + IwaOi on crack basically....

But what if... (KuroKen)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora