Chapter 26

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Who even is daijoubu nowadays 😀
I'm acc studying so hard for my biology exam
Also I'm super scared to join the new volleyball team after Easter but ykyk new people = possible haikyuu bezzies😃✋🏻
Anyway enjoy the chapter it's kinda boring but😚

Kuroo's POV

We had been waiting on the court for Kenma to come back for around 5 minutes now and the other team was getting slightly restless. The Libero was pursuing their older girl manager as if she was the last meat on earth which was slightly concerning but also entertaining to watch nonetheless. The guy who looked like Jesus was being made fun of by our own teammates which I told them to refrain from doing but oh well. And Bokuto and I were talking aimlessly. He wasn't meant to play but he just liked to stand on the court before a game for the fun of it. Something about feeling in charge of situations which were out of his hands? Or something?

Though this wasn't an official game, not even two or three sets, we still knew we had to take it seriously because the Dumpster Showdown was our most prized 'event' if you will. We'd never let the crows beat us no matter if it was an unofficial match or if we got to nationals together someday.

Finally, we saw the bald head dragging a very depressed looking Kenma. And by dragging, I meant he was carrying him by the hood while Kenma protested inaudibly. He put the pudding head on the court and ran over to his team, though he didn't get ready he just helped the Libero to pursue the poor girl who's name I had now learned was Kiyoko.

"Okay you horny tornados get ready!" The little ginger ran after them in a poor attempt to herd them to their starting lineup. Eventually, the two idiots complied and rant to where they were supposed to be and the game started.

——time skip——

Halfway through the game, we were at 19-15 for us. They had gotten significantly better but we did have two new teammates so we still had an advantage. One of them was Kenma, after all. Though our team may not realise it yet, Kenma is a genius. During a timeout he gave everyone precise orders on how to stop Karasuno from scoring and, ever since then, they've only gotten points due to our little errors- courtesy to no other than the idiot Lev of course.

Kenma was ready to give a toss and, though Lev was shouting from behind him to toss to him, I knew I'd have to compete. For Kenma's toss and for Kenma's heart, it seems.

"Kenma!" I saw his yellow eyes widen as he looked over to me. He gave me a small smirk before tossing it my way.

"Don't mess it up" his composure during matches really was something I could never wrap my head around. Though this wasn't a serious game, everyone was still a little jittery, not wanting to lose to Karasuno and all. Though it could be due to the fact that he'd never played them before, there was still a quality to him which made him absolutely calm in any situation.

"You know I won't pudding" and I intend to keep that promise. Their blocks were good, but my spikes could easily get through the tall blonde guy's block. I slammed it down and scored a third consecutive point.

We continued playing for a while and won 25-21.

"Thanks for the practice game!" Everyone shouted at each other.

We played two more games- one against each of the other two teams- and then decided to get washed up and go to sleep early since we got up at around 4am and didn't sleep much on the bus.

Kenma had set up his futon between Yaku and the wall so there was no way I could get anywhere close to him. Unless I asked Yaku that is. But I obviously wouldn't be doing that. I decided in setting it up above his, that way my head would be right next to his and I could potentially talk to him before we went to sleep, try to sort out our issue and everything. Bokuto set his up next to mine and Akaashi next to his. Oikawa and Iwaizumi set up on the opposite side of the room since they didn't want to be in what they're referred to as 'lovebird corner'

Though I'd washed up and everything, it was only 8pm and I couldn't go to sleep. Bokuto seemed restless too, he was trying to hold a conversation with Akaashi who was attempting to read his book in peace.

"Hey Kurbro?"

"What's up Bokubro"

"Wanna go practice spikes?"


"You coming Akaashi?"

"Huh? Oh. Um sure"

We'd all been to these training camps last year so it was basically tradition for us three to practice after dark. It was never anything serious but we did get a lot of jokes and bonding in so it was all in good fun.

"Kuroo? Where you going" I hadn't really expected Kenma to speak to me outside of a game but I wasn't about to complain.

"To practice spiking"

"Oh okay"

"You wanna come with? We could use a second setter"

"...nah it's okay"


That was, by far, the least awkward conversation we've had in the past day. I really had wanted to speak to him about what happened but we had another two days and one night to stay here so I'd get my chance for sure. I was kinda hoping he'd come with us anyway because I wanted to spend time with him. I suppose the whole situation was my fault for misjudging it and then getting mad at him for it without hearing him out first.

"Are you coming or..." the two boys were getting impatient; I was just laying down thinking about Kenma whilst they were pacing the length of the room, waiting for me to get up.

"Yeah I'm coming"

——time skip——

We practiced for around three hours so it was getting close to 12. Despite the fact I'd been awake for over 15 hours, I still wasn't sleepy in the least. Me, Akaashi and Bokuto walked into the room where we were supposed to sleep to find everyone asleep, except Kenma. His phone screen was illuminating his face in a blueish glow and it made my heart stop.

He looked beautiful.

"Kenma? You should be sleeping"

"Nah. I was waiting for you, actually."


"Yeah. I was wondering if you wanted to talk tomorrow?"

"Yeah... please."

"Okay. Goodnight then, Kuroo."

"G'night pudding head"

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