Chapter 15

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Kuroo's  POV

I was very much glued to the ground. I didn't understand what was happening at all.

"You want me to tell you what happened, Kuroo-san ?" As if he read my mind, Akaashi was standing next to me, trying to comfort me in his own way.

"Yeah" not really no. I don't like being told I did something wrong. However, this concerned Kenma so I just might have to make the exception today.

"Okay well. We all know you act all tough but really you're a big softie. That much is apparent to all your friends and really to anyone who so much as holds a conversation with you" no I didn't. As I was about to say something against it, murmurs spread around the gym of the others agreeing with Akaashi's statement. I nodded, indicating him to continue. I don't understand how this had anything to do which Kenma but here we are.

"Well sometimes... or rather always... you get very protective and it's suffocating" way to put it bluntly. I didn't think I did that at all. As if seeing the disbelief in my eyes, he tried to justify his statement.

"He told you he was fine and yet you kept pushing. And I understand you care about him deeply but maybe don't try so hard, especially when he doesn't want you to. But I could be completely wrong" you never are though. Akaashi was one of the most intelligent people I'd ever met so there wasn't a doubt in my mind there was at least some truth to what he was saying.

"I have to find him and apologise then" I'm not prepared to have him hating me, especially since we kissed literally 10 minuets ago.

"No. Kuroo-san ..." Akaashi always seemed to know what he was doing so I trusted whether he had to say next. "Space. Give him space" I don't trust that.

"But he needs to know I'm sorry" I don't understand how else he'd know i was sorry. He'd probably hate me more.

"And he will. Just leave it for now" no. I was determined to say sorry. Akaashi didn't need to know that though so I simply nodded and we went back to spiking the balls.

—time skip—

Lunch time. My favourite time of the school day. The only time I had all my friends in one place, except Kenma that is. And i was in desperate need to change that.

"I need to go bathroom" they probably wouldn't buy it but if there was even a little chance they would, then it was worth a shot.

"Good luck" Akaashi. He knew everything. I swear to god the kid was a psychic or something.

"I- for what~" well done Kuroo that sounded so convincing. However Akaashi did no more than shrug and send me a knowing look. I mentally thanked him and ran to the library hoping, praying, that Kenma would be there, even though his previous words lingered in my head.

Good luck finding me.

Don't worry Kenma. I will. I'll find you and let you know I'm sorry.

I ran into the library, immediately getting told off by the librarian for doing so. I apologised but really I wasn't sorry. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, I wasn't really sure, Kenma was sat in his usual spot, clicking away at his console. I didn't even know he'd brought it when we went out to the lake together... he didn't have anything with him yesterday. I guess he kept it in his pocket.

After a little debating, I decided to just sit down infront of him, hoping he'd look at me first, instead of having to attempt to get his attention.

"What" good. At least he was talking to me still.

"What's up"

"Why?" You really like to avoid questions don't you Kenma.

"I want to know"

But what if... (KuroKen)Where stories live. Discover now