Chapter 12

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Kenma's POV

I was woken up by sunrays shining on my face through the window. I was confused at first since that never happened, but soon enough I remembered I wasn't in my room. I had slept over at Kuroo's. Last night had been a long, weird string of events. We went out to the pond... and it seemed like a date though I'd never bring it up with him. And then he held my hand for a while. We played volleyball together... and I met another of his friends. And, of course, to top it all off- we slept in the same bed and I just now noticed he was cuddling me. Suddenly, his alarm started ringing and it made me jump which woke him up immediately.

"You okay?" He asked. His morning voice was... something else. I could feel my face heating up. Our faces were practically inches apart and I couldn't help but want to kiss him. However I had to stop myself from doing such stupid things. He obviously didn't like me. And I surely didn't want to ruin our friendship. Not this far in.

"Yeah sorry. The alarm clock scared me a bit haha~" I laughed nervously. He hummed and got out of bed. Then, I just realised the big problem facing me. "Kuroo- I don't have my school uniform..."

"Shit" he rubbed his eyes. "You could borrow mine from second year. I hit a big growth spurt last year so I grew out of it pretty quickly and it was still pretty new so we didn't throw it away"

"Thank you" I nodded and followed him downstairs. I was expecting to see his parents but nope. There wasn't anyone home. "Where are your parents?"

"They both leave for work at 5" he told me and ushered me to sit at the kitchen counter while he made pancakes. His cooking was amazing.

"You like it?" He asked hopefully.

"Ith fwantasthtic" I said, my mouth full of food. He laughed at my slured speech.

Once we finished, we headed upstairs and he handed me the uniform and said he'd go shower real quick while I changed. The uniform also smelled like him despite the fact he hadn't worn it in like a year. I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. It was still kinda big but I rolled the trousers and sleeves of the shirt up and it didn't look bad.

Kuroo walked out the shower with nothing but a towel over his- you know- and I averted my eyes quickly, blushing like crazy.

"Like what you see?" He laughed as he went over to his drawers, to get pants I assumed.

"Maybe- I- Shut up idiot" I stuttered.

"Oya? What was that?" He laughed.

"I said shut up"

"Why don't you make me"


A few minutes passed and I was just staring at the wall, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"You can turn around now" he called out. He was now wearing full school uniform and was trying to fix his hair in the mirror. His hair was so, very droopy. Guess the rooster-head was intentional.

"You ready?" I said. He nodded and grabbed his bag. "I don't have any of my textbooks either." I grimaced.

"Oh god Kenma~" he whined and ran down the stairs. "Next time, bring your stuff"

"Next time?"

"I mean- if you want. I don't know I just assumed you en-"

"I'd love to"

"Good" He ruffled my hair and I smacked his hand lightly. "We have to wait for Shittykawa and Iwaizumi outside his" I nodded and so we walked over to the lamp post I saw him leaning on last night.

But what if... (KuroKen)Where stories live. Discover now