Chapter 8

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Kenma's POV

I don't know why but as soon as Kuroo asked to hang out I wanted to just shout "yes" a thousand times and make my way over there as fast as possible. But I had to play it cool, of course. I've never had this sense of comfort that I feel around him before. Something about him makes me feel safe and, to be honest, it scares me. I've only ever had one friend when I was 5 and that didn't end up so well. After that, I haven't really tried to make friends I mean, how could I? It was heartbreaking seeing the person closest to you vanish without a trace so, naturally, I spared myself the pain and stuck to just me and my video games.

Right now I was walking over to Kuroo's. I've never been to that part of town so I wasn't sure if I'd get there okay but if something ends up happening I could always call him and tell him to pick me up from where I was. See? I talk about him as if I've known him for years and yet we met nearly 4 weeks ago. That's around a month I've known this guy and, yet, I feel like I could tell him anything.

Soon, enough I was approaching his neighbourhood. I had passed our school on the way here so I assumed that's why I've never been here- because if it's on the opposite side to where I live then why would I go there?

The neighbourhood was full of beautiful houses, all detached from one another, standing freely. Each one was unique. I didn't know they had neighbourhoods like this in Tokyo. I saw on my phone gps that I was 1 minute away from where he told me he'd be. Surely enough, I saw a tall guy standing on the curb, leaning against a lamp post, scrolling through his phone. The soft phone light was shining on his sharp features and I couldn't help but smile a little. When he looked up at me and smiled his big, charming smile, my breath got caught in my throat and I nearly choked.

The sun was starting to set already but I didn't mind. Only problem was- I didn't want to walk back home in the complete dark. It wasn't the nicest neighbourhood. Damn I hadn't thought of this.

"Hey" he greeted and, once I was closer to him, he rubbed my head in a friendly manner. I couldn't help but let a giggle escape my mouth. Dammit. "Did little Kenma just giggle" he laughed at me. I smiled at him and laughed a little too. Damn what was this boy doing to me.

Kuroo's POV

I wanted to hear him giggle again it was honestly the most adorable thing I'd ever heard. His smile was so infectious too. Where have you been all my life. I thought. I just stood there admiring him while he looked everywhere but towards me. It was kind of disappointing really, I wanted to see his cat-like eyes looking at me as intently as I was at him. He tucked a piece of hair which had fallen into his face behind his ear and my heart literally melted. It was the cutest thing ever.

My phone began ringing suddenly and he jumped. "Sorry" I apologised and looked at the caller ID. Great. Shittykawa.

"What do you want" I picked up.

"What I WANT is to tell you that you two are being really fucking awkward and it's distracting me from doing my homework so please stop and go to the park already dammit"


"I can see you two out my bedroom window dumbass. You're standing infront of my house."

"Oh I completely forgot. Sorry. Why are you even looking?"

"Because homework is boring"

"I see. Well I gotta go then. Bye Bitchykawa"

"Bye asshole"

I hung up and saw Kenma was spacing out, looking at something down the street. I looked to see where he was looking and saw a small cat sitting on the curb staring back at him. I smiled at that. He seems to have a thing for animals it seems.

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