Chapter 9

753 26 9

TW~ homophobic slur

Oikawa's POV

I could not believe what I was seeing. At exactly 9:42 Kenma-chan was invited into the Kuroo household. First off, they spent two hours together which-

Surprised me -

To say the least

This probably means he's staying over and therefore that means we'll be walking with Kenma tomorrow when we have to go to school. But... I should call Kuroo just to piss him off. I ringed his number and he picked up just after two rings.

"What the fuck shittykawa"

"Nice to hear your voice too"

"What do you want"

"I wanted to ask why
Kenma-chan is at yours?"

"I- um - he didn't wanna go home in the dark so I offered that he sleep over. It'll be fun. Besides his mum is out of town so he probably feels extra lonely at home."

"You're so considerate Kuroo~ okay well you two have fun... use protection" I cooed.


"I heard you screaming from next door you might wanna shut your windows I don't wanna hear anything else okay bye love you and say hi to Kenma from me okay bye"

I hung up and jumped onto my bed where I laughed for a good 5 minutes. After this, something rather... strange happened. Iwa-chan was calling me. He usually hated calling and FaceTime because he had social anxiety when it came to that stuff. And yet he played volleyball infront of hundreds of people. But anyway...

"Hey Iwa-chan~ what's up?"

"Can you um... meet me at the supermarket"

"At this hour? Iwa-chan as much as I love spending time with you-"

"Please. It's urgent"

"What supermarket... okay I'm on my way"

Normally I wouldn't do this for anyone but this is the one exception. He sounded so panicked and just... sad. Why a supermarket though? And that supermarket was so far away from his house. I hated driving at night but I guess I had to.

When I got there I looked for him for a good 30 minutes before finally finding him in the toilet paper isle. He was sitting behind all the toilet paper so if it hadn't been for his very spiky hair I wouldn't have seen him.

"Hey Iwa-chan"

"Hey Oikawa" he used my real name I- something definitely had to be wrong for him to do that because his number 2 priority was pissing me off. Number 1 being volleyball, of course.

"Mind if I come into your toilet paper fort"

"Sure" he scooted over and I sat in front of him. He looked awfully pale and almost like he had been crying for hours.

He looked up at me suddenly and just stared for a few minutes. I didn't mind though. "Hey um... mind sitting next to me?" He spoke up finally. I smiled and complied. Once I was settled he rested his head on my shoulder which made me literate unable to breathe. What else would you do if your crush did that?

"Wanna tell me what happened. It's okay if you don't"

"Yeah I'll tell you. Must be a shock seeing me like this haha~" his laugh was full of pain and I couldn't help but turn and hug him. He hugged me back immediately and started sobbing into my shoulder. This brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't stand seeing him like this.

Once he had collected himself he started "so um after the study session with Akaashi and Bokuto me and my mother wanted to go shopping together for groceries because you know I'm a picky eater so she never knows what to get me. This shop had the widest variety of foods so even if it's a little far away we decided it could be a good choice." He stopped for a moment and then continued "so we were going around the shop just you And um- do you remember that team we played one time... the one with the weird blonde tall guy and then the rest who were under 5"7" I nodded. In reality I had no idea who he was talking about but I just needed to find out what happened "well they were all there together, probably after a practice. And they all started shouting at me and calling me a-  a f-" he broke down again. I had some idea of what he was trying to say but it's best not to jump to conclusions just yet. "They called me a fag Oikawa" he sobbed harder. "And I guess it was probably payback since they lost to us so easily. They probably saw me and you holding hands that one time after you served super well but I mean- I was just doing it because the damn air conditioning was way too cold. But when they left my mother full on had a fit and shouted at me and long story short left me here and I have no money on me so I couldn't call a cab and I didn't know my way back home" he sobbed into my shoulder.

That sounded truly traumatising. I felt terrible for him I wanted to hug him and never let him go. We hugged in the toilet paper for for around 20 minutes before he broke away from the hug and looked at me. "I need to tell you something though-" he stated. I nodded, encouraging him to continue. "They weren't wrong Oikawa..."

My eyes widened. "So you're-"


"Well" I laughed. "Funny story. I was actually talking to Kuroo about this literally this afternoon but um... I am too" he looked at me, also very wide-eyed. Then he laughed. The fucker laughed. "Oi it's not funny!"

"It is flattykawa" he laughed. And he was finally back.

"Wanna stay over mine?" I asked. He just nodded and stood up.

——time skip——

We were now back at mine and we're taking about nothing in particular.

I mean what were the chances that I admit that I have a crush on Iwa-chan and then in the next few hours he comes out to me. Must be fate right?

I remembered that Kuroo and Kenma were together at his so might as well try to spy on them right? Since both mine and his rooms were on the edges of our houses we had two windows - one facing the street and one facing each other's rooms. So, I open the curtains and surely enough, he and Kenma are in his room. But Kuroo being Kuroo he immediately noticed me and stood up to shut his blinds.

I signalled for him to stop. He rolled his eyes and opened the window.


Yes I did very much make up an imaginary team for this say something I dare you 😃✋🏻

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