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NO MAN'S LAND WAS far from what Kit expected it to be. He expected a thick forest of deadly beasts, or perhaps a desolate, empty desert of nothing. The last thing he expected was a temple in the center of a thick wood and crawling with their new army.

Cindy landed them on the ground, and Kit was the first to get off so he could help the others. The dragon truly was a beautiful creature, scales a mix of red and violet hues that reflected green in the sunlight.

Eurion was already fond of the creature. She placed her hand on the dragon's nose. "Thank you, Cindy," she said. The beast must've taken that as her cue to leave, because she turned and leapt from the ground with a heavy gust of wind that blew the hair from out of Kit's face and knocked him back a step.

He took a moment to examine the beauty of No Man's Land. It didn't seem to be populated by a civilization, but it wasn't empty and soulless. It had a purpose.

As if she read his mind, Giselle joined his side. "This is where different kingdoms go to sign treaties," she told him. "Courts and kingdoms and divisions don't apply here. It would be considered an automatic act of war if Atla sent her army to the Vernal Kingdom, so we're meeting them all here. The center of Faerie."

She stepped away without waiting for an response, making her way to the temple. She stood before the soldiers and whistled, catching their attention. They looked to her with respect and dignity, the treatment a noble leader like Giselle deserved.

"Soldiers," she called. Her voice carried despite her stature. "Thank you for being here. Our mission today, if we succeed, will protect the fate of our world as well as the world of Avalon, who is our longtime ally. Avalon is ruled by a wicked King, and we must take down him and his son, Prince Connor. You will answer to the six of us and no one else."

She let it grow silent for a moment, allowing her words to settle over the crowd.

"Your job is to weaken the castle's defenses and help Kristofer and Lionel get inside. This is a game of chess. Their most important piece is their King, but he is the weakest among them. If we can get through his army and past the Queen, Wylan will fall. The throne will then fall to Prince Connor, but his mind is simple. We need him alive so I can use him. Are we clear, soldiers?"

The soldiers called out her agreement. Giselle was so gentle and feminine, it was strange to see her commanding an entire army with such power.

"Then let's go win this war, soldiers!"

The crowds erupted with war cries.

Giselle turned to the group and pulled them into a circle. It was all settling in now, the fear of what was going to happen.

"This is just a battle," Giselle told them. "This will not win us the war, but we don't need to worry about that yet. We are good at battles. One step at a time."

She took Selene's hand, then Kit's next to her. The chain continued until they were all connected.

"This won't be easy," Selene told them. "Our group of six may not be six when we come out of this but... this is for the greater good. We are fighting against something bigger than we know, but this battle is essential to defeating this evil. Our goal is Excalibur."

"You are all more powerful than you know," Chalice chimed in. "Do not underestimate yourselves. I feel it in all of you. Use your strengths to your advantage."

It was quiet for several moments, until Eurion spoke up.

"I don't feel lonely anymore," she said. "Thank you for that. Even if this... is the last of me, I'm glad to know I ended with a family."

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