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IF SELENE HAD IT her way, she would've torched the brothel down and left it to burn, letting everyone inside it fend for themselves. She curled her fists at her sides, eyes focused on the space ahead of her.

The brothel was dimly lit, fine silks draped in place of walls and on the floor. Women of all shapes and ages and cultures were sprawled across furniture, eyeing the group as they came in. Giselle kept Lionel outside, so she wasn't there to be the eye-catcher.

Selene didn't like the attention, but Kit was already drowning in it. He'd removed his armor for this endeavor, and she knew it was just so he could enjoy the attention better instead of focusing on the task. She gave him a look, but he waved her off.

"He says he's got a 'plan,'" Morgana said, joining her side.

"Let me guess, he's going to seduce them into giving information."

Morgana chuckled. "Something like that. Who knows, maybe it'll work."

"He's far more charming than his brother, I'll give him that much. Connor is as charming as mud."

"I've never met him."

"You might want to keep it that way. I get more boring every time I see him." She laughed, but her high spirits were shot down the moment a particular woman emerged from a stall, wrapping a scarf tighter around her shoulders. She wore a pendent around her neck, one she knew all too well.

She abandoned Morgana's side without a word, a plan formulating in her head.

"Excuse me," she purred, slinking up in front of the woman. It felt weird, but she was in the mood for revenge.

"May I help you?" The woman smiled, pouring a glass for Selene and offering it to her.

She took a small sip, but she wasn't much a fan of wine.

"How much to have you for myself?" she asked, making sure to look her up and down.

The woman was buying it, and she named her price. Selene dropped the appropriate coins into her hand, and the woman led her back into a stall made of red sheets. She pulled the curtain, and they were alone as they would get.

The woman's lips were soft, the skin of her thighs supple against Selene's roaming fingers. It had been awhile since she kissed someone, let alone another woman. If she had it her way, she wouldn't have married a man, but he was the most convenient. And at the time it worked. She didn't care about love.

Her fingers pulled away the harlot's coverings, lips against her pale neck, her hands roaming further, up her stomach, her chest, then finally to the pendant at her neck.

The woman yanked away, gripping Selene's adventurous hand with fury like she'd never felt.

"Don't touch that," she hissed.

That was all Selene needed to hear.

"It's you," she growled. "You were the one who lured my husband here and stole half our money."

"I didn't steal it, I worked for it."

"You did something to him, and that necklace has something to do with it. That's cheating, you didn't earn shit." She viciously gripped the front of the woman's loose dress, pushing her off of her lap and out of the stall.

"If you're jealous that your husband likes me better, you can just say it," the harlot taunted.

"I don't give a damn about my husband. I care about the shit you took from me. I want what's mine," she growled. "If you don't, I could just kill you and take what I want."

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