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IN THE WORLD OF the Fair Folk, time was different. They were not so bound by it as humans allowed themselves to be, and it oozed and bended and slowed far more with them. Which is why the Grand Court noticed the absence of the Vernal Princess only minutes after she was taken.

"They were humans, they're easy to take," said one lady of the court. She was a brash woman of thick build, and very clearly of the Autumn court.

"Not these ones," the Vernal Queen interjected. "The Kingdom of Avalon have a large army, and they've studied us up close for centuries. They know who we are, how we work, better than any normal human does. That's why we tried to take their King. They're the only humans capable of posing a threat to us."

The Summer King, a spindly man with long blonde curls and a pointed beard, spoke next. "So how do you suppose we get her back?"

"We need a man on the inside," the Autumn lady spoke again. "One of their own who can take them down from the inside."

"Any ideas?" the Queen asked, eyes searching around the now quiet table.

No one spoke, until a certain pale-faced assassin did. "I've got one."

* * *

The travelers were frozen in place, as though his icy disposition had an effect on them. It was clear they knew who he was, what he was.

"It's you," the man hissed, drawing his sword and stepping closer.

The faerie raised his cane to block it effortlessly. He only sort of needed it to stand.

"If you're such a deadly assassin, please tell me why you look so frail." It was a woman who spoke this time, nearly as pale as him, covered in shining armor. They could've been related were it not for her painfully human lineage.

"Your question is irrelevant, you still fear me regardless," he crowed, and the prince's eyes widened.

"Your voice, it's-"

"It's what? The same voice that threatened your life just hours ago? Well, to you it's been hours but for me it's been quite some time. I'd nearly forgotten about you."

This time the faerie used his hand to grab the blade of his sword and toss it aside, ignoring the sap now dripping from his hand.

He walked forward, and they all stepped back. He laughed.

"I could be on the brink of death and you'd all still be terrified of me," he mused, eyes zeroing in on the Prince. "You were far more confident when you couldn't see my face. What changed? Is it the fact that there's no army to protect you now? Or have I flustered you with my eternal beauty?"

The boy blushed, but his face didn't soften. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I thought you wanted to see me, to take me to your father and bring me to justice. He's not really your father, though, is he?"

"Shut up."

"You're right, I'm getting off track. Where were we? Oh yes, you were going to try to capture me."

The prince scrambled for his sword, but when he swung, his blade refused to move.

"What are you doing?" he cried, watching as the faerie stepped closer. "Why can't I swing at you?"

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