Part 28: Its MY Marriage

Start from the beginning

Jane: "W-What? How do you know I gonna say that?"

Parker: "Because I, your boyfie, also promise that someone."

Jane: "I know that already..." she chuckle on his frowned eyes.

Parker: "I guess she already told you hmm"

Jane: "Yeah Thank you for accepting her"

Parker: "She is your happiness and your are mine so your everything is acceptable to me."

Parker: "Jane can I ask you something?... Why only her?"

Jane smile: "She is a bright child but she can't look up to future because of her weak heart. She was alienated for being weak and it hurts me."

Parker: "You see yourself in her right?"

Jane: "Maybe...maybe we are similar. We both hide our insecurities and plaster smile even though this world keep rejecting us. I saw her many times alone and kids in orphanage only talk her when they want something from her."

Jane: "This remind me of my past how people use to use me then throw away like garbage. After living all these years I got that its better to focus on yourself and love yourself first."

Jane: "I just wanted her to enjoy the childhood without hurt at this small age. I want her to be raise as strong and in a happy environment because she deserve it. I want to give her the warmth I always need in my lonely days."

He smile proudly at her.

Parker: "I will help you...."

Jane smile back: "Thank you"

Next day they went to orphanage but they found a couple can only adopt a child after marriage. Sadly, they both didn't had free schedule in upcoming 6 months.

Jeena was a bit upset but they explained her and promised to come every week until they got married and then take her away.

In the past months regular meeting brought Parker and Jeena close which was adored by Jane. Parker learn to be a good father for Jeena by reading and surfing on internet.

Parker's personality was also changed as he become more cheerful and bright. He learnt to accept things even if they weren't mean to happen and found ways to solve them. All he needed was a sparkling smile of his girl Jane to continue in every difficulties.

Sometimes other members also come there and play with her. Everything was going fine and everyone was waiting to pass those 6 month.

But little did they know spring and thunder both were waiting for them at that edge of those 6 months...

Finally Wedding date fixed and cards were distributed everywhere. 

3 March 2020....... The day came, everyone was waiting for.



PARKER 🌺~                                    

Each person was having a smile on their face. People were getting in church and impatiently waiting for this beautiful couple.

Parker was dressed by groomsmen, Denial and Vance. They were fixing his tie and hairs like preparing him for some first day of kindergarten.

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