As for the police officers, they were accomplices to the evil deed.

  Qian Ziqiang was silent for a long time after the story ended.

  “So he’s connected with Secretary Lin! It’ll be a little tricky!” Qian Ziqiang mumbled.

  Lin Jianjun had been promoted to the city. He wielded a certain level of influence.

  “You’ll have to help me, Brother-in-law, you can’t just turn a blind eye on this. That kid is too evil, and that Xia guy isn’t respecting your position as the new Secretary,” Ma Yongnian said maliciously.

  Qian Ziqiang was not very happy when he heard that.

  “Just a minute, Yongnian. I’ll talk to Commissioner Xia.” Then, he ended the call.

  Qian Ziqiang sat on his chair in the office for a very long time. He lifted his hand to pick up the phone.

  Before he could call Commissioner Xia, his phone started ringing.

  Qian Ziqiang was shocked. He answered the call.

  “Who is this?”

  “Secretary Qian, I am Lin Jianjun! We’ve met before.” It was Secretary Lin who had called.

  Qian Ziqiang was shocked again. “It’s you! Is there anything?”

  Lin Jianjun smiled. “Secretary Qian. I’m here to save you.”

  Qian Ziqiang nearly burst out laughing when he heard that. “Is this a prank? I’m just fine. Why do I need saving?”

  “Secretary Qian, don’t you know what your brother-in-law is doing, or are you pretending to be oblivious? He’s involved in forced eviction, and he brought a bunch of hooligans to disturb the villagers.

  “I received a video not too long ago. What do you think will happen if that video finds its way on the Internet?”

  Qian Ziqiang was dumbstruck. His expression froze.

  Then, his face turned pale as cold sweat rained down his forehead.

  He had heard rumors of that happening, but he pretended that nothing happened.

  However, once that video is uploaded to the Internet, people might start talking about it and find out that the tyrant in the video was his brother-in-law. That would spell big trouble for him.

  “That’s the least of your concerns, Secretary Qian. You should know Old Master He, right?”

  “I… I know…” Qian Ziqiang stammered.

  “The person who punched your brother-in-law is Tang Hao. He once saved Old Master He’s life. You should know what that means! I’m sure you won’t make any stupid decisions!”

  Then, Lin Jjianjun ended the call.

  Qian Ziqiang slumped on his chair, trembling.

Chapter 152

In the office, Qian Ziqiang was slumped on his chair. His face was pale as a sheet.

  “I’m finished! Finished!” He mumbled with an expression of utter dejection.

  He did not expect that ‘unruly peasant from a mountain village’ would have someone so powerful backing him!

  Old Master He was a legend in Province Z. A District Secretary like him was not even qualified to polish his shoes.

  Furthermore, he had heard before that Old Master He was an austere man who hated to see peasants being bullied by government officials abusing their authority. He would be utterly finished if Old Master He caught wind about it.

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