22. Returning From Tour

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Harry was due home from tour today and you had arranged to surprise him at the airport. John, one of the boys security was with you. Harry was due in at 2pm and it was currently 1:30. You found a seat and sat down pulling your phone out. Harry had text you.

Harry: I've landed. We got in early. See you soon! Xx
You: I'm so excited to see you babe xx
Harry: You too. Just getting off the plane now. Be home in 15-20 minutes. Xx

"He's landed. Where do they come out?" You questioned and he pointed to an opening with 20-30 people waiting outside. You knew they were fans.

"Is there at chance you can get us to where they come through?" He nodded and as you walked over to the fans he made a space for you to walk through. He took you through the arrivals doors before showing the security officer a pass. He nodded and gave us VISITOR passes to put on. You clipped it on and waited for the boys to make an entrance.

You looked behind you and seen that the fans could still see you and were waving so you waved back.

Two minutes later you heard the screaming from behind you and your head shot up. Niall was walking through the door and when he seen you his smile widened.

"Y/N! How are you doing? Harry didn't mention you'd be here," you gave him a hug.

"I'm doing good. It's a surprise," you smiled and he nodded.

"I'll see you soon ok?" You nodded and he walked through the doors with his security close to him.

You kept your eyes on the doors where he came from and next person to make themselves known was the man you were here for. He was looking down at his boots and walking straight towards you.

You made your way towards him and he finally looked up.

"Hey stranger," his mouth fell open and you threw your body at him.

"God you look beautiful," and right there you shared a passionate kiss in the middle of arrivals in the airport. He fell to his knees and kissed your bump causing Emilia to kick.

"I've missed you angel," he whispered kissing again and she went crazy.

You joined hands with Harry and walked out of arrivals.

"Should I say hi to the boys?" You asked and he shook his head.

"We'll text them when we get home. I just want to get home and spend the night with my two favourite girls," you nodded and he took the keys out of your hand to your car.

"I've missed you both so so much."

"We've missed you too babe."

Pregnancy Series (Harry Styles) // Book 2Where stories live. Discover now