14. Names

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"How do you like the name Melina?" Harry asked while cutting the chicken for dinner and you were sat at the breakfast bar.

"I love it. I also love Emilia," Harry smiled.

"But there's also Brooke which I love too." You nodded in agreement.

"Wait, I'll be back in a second," you smiled making your way up to your bedroom. You went into your underwear drawer and dug to the bottom finding the book you were looking for and going back downstairs.

"Don't laugh. I've had this for months but I didn't know how to bring the subject of names up," you opened the book up to the girls names as you had been jotting boys and girls names down before you even knew the gender." He washed his hands and then took the book off of you.









He turned to the next page.








You found a pen in the top drawer in the kitchen and took the book of him adding Melina to the list and he smiled.

"I want us both to decide this together. I want us both to love the name that we choose," he nodded reading through the names again.

"I think Emilia is sticking. Emilia Styles. It has a ring to it," a cheesy grin broke out on your face and you smiled.

"Seriously?" He nodded and you jumped to him pulling him in a hug.

"Middle name?" You questioned and he nodded.

"You have suggestions?" He asked and you smiled.

"I was thinking Emilia-Anne Rose Styles. So the Emilia-Anne would be double barreled?" You proposed and his face lit up.

"You'd do that for me?" You nodded and smiled.

"Your mum has been so present and helpful through this pregnancy. I mean my parents have too but I know how close you are with your mum so I'd like this child to feel as close to her Grandma as you are. I want your mum to teach her everything she did with you and Gemma, because your both so well mannered, so polite, just really good people and I want to name our daughter after the woman that made you into the man I love so much," you slowly winded your arms around his neck and pulled him into you placing a kiss onto his lips.

"I effing love you Y/N."

"I effing love you too Harry."

"And you too Emilia-Anne Rose Styles," Harry said quietly.

You picked up his hand and placed it where you could feel the little kicks.

"I think Emilia likes her name," you whispered, happy to be going through this with Harry by your side.

Pregnancy Series (Harry Styles) // Book 2Where stories live. Discover now