11. Announcing The Gender

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"Are we announcing the gender to your fans since we've already told our families?" You asked Harry as he stepped out of the shower and you continued straightening your hair.

"Would you like to?" You nodded in response.

"I think it'd be nice to keep them in the loop." Harry nodded.

"We'll do just that then. And I have a great idea. Kepp your eye on Instagram," he winked before leaving the bathroom to get ready. An hour later you were dressed with your hair and makeup done. Your phone had been going crazy so you opened it to see an instagram notification saying that Harry had tagged you in a post.

harrystyles: @yourinstagram and I bought Baby Styles her first babygrows to support her favourite team. Our daughter is progressing perfectly in her mummy's tummy. Hopefully see my baby girl in 18-20 weeks. Y/N and I are more than excited. All the love .x

You liked it and reposted it.

yourinstagram: @harrystyles and I's daughter is going to be a stylish little thing. Can't wait till Pumpkin arrives. She's so loved already. Thanks for all the support. X

Pregnancy Series (Harry Styles) // Book 2Where stories live. Discover now