3. First Ultrasound

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"Harry! Are you ready we have to leave," he came hopping through the living room door to the hallway pulling on his boot.

"I'm ready, ok let's go," he grabbed his keys and we made your way to the car.

The drive to the hospital was peaceful, of course there was always the chance that paparazzi we're going to spot you going to the hospital and jump to conclusions but you tried your best to leave your house as unnoticed as possible.

"I have an appointment for Y/N Styles," the receptionist of the maternity ward nodded and smiled. If you go up to floor 3 and make your way to the sonogram rooms, your doctor will be waiting for you in room. Just go straight in," you nodded and Harry took your hand leading you where she told you.

You reached room 3 and took a deep breath before entering the opened door with a 30-something, friendly looking woman inside.

"Hi Y/N, I'm Dr. Reynolds. I'm your OB/GYN. You must be daddy?" She said to Harry and he laughed nodding.

"So before we start I'm going to ask you to both take a seat so we can take notes of everything we need to. Great, so the first question, I know it's early days for you but how would you like to deliver the baby? Cesarean section, naturally?" You were glad that Harry and you had discussed this already.

"Naturally, all natural. I'd like to keep it just gas and air also, I don't want an epidural or anything like that," the doctor nodded and jotted that down.

"Ok, and water birth? At home? Here?"

"We were thinking hospital. We just like that if anything were to happen there's doctors here to help," she nodded scribbling again.

"Have you thought of any birthing classes?" You both shook your head. "Since you want it all natural, I suggest doing a couple of these. Even a couple of parenting classes if you aren't used to handling babies they can be really useful. Take these home and have a read," she passed a bunch of fliers over the table. You took them and put them in your bag.

"Great, let's get to the sonogram then." You all stood up and she led you both over to the machine and bed. You got onto the bed lifting your shirt up as she asked you.

"Now because it's your first sonogram, I'm going to be doing it but from now on it will be just a nurse and I'll be popping in to make sure everything's ok," you nodded as she squeezed the gel on your belly.

You took Harry's hand and looked at the screen.

"There's the baby. There's the head, arms and legs. You're a lot further on than I thought you'd be. You don't have a bump but it looks like your about 10 weeks. So two more weeks and you'll have your 12 week scan. So it's now April 6th I can go work out your due date, get you pictures and I'll meet you back over at the desk." You nodded and she wiped the gel off your belly.

When you and Harry both sat down he smiled over at you. "I'm so happy Y/N." You nodded agreeing with him. Dr. Reynolds walked in a couple of minutes after that.

"The next scan is when we can do all tests and hear the baby's heartbeat. So you've had your dating scan this was it, you'll then have your 12 week scan in two weeks. You'll then have your 20 week scan and then one just before your due date which is October 28th. I can book you in for your scans right now if you would like?" You looked to Harry and nodded.

She booked everything, wrote it down for us, gave us a list of what we need for labour, gave us the pictures and wished us luck.

"When are you doing promo for the album?" You asked. He shrugged.

"I'm not leaving while your pregnant," he argued.

"You can't put your life on hold Harry. I'll ask Sophia to come stay with me or something. Just don't worry and don't split up the band. It'll only be a few weeks," you kissed his cheek.

Pregnancy Series (Harry Styles) // Book 2Where stories live. Discover now