Ch. 40 - Straight to Voicemail

Start from the beginning

Entering the school, no one looked at him. No one cared enough to. Except for the wolf who was watching him from a distance.


Hunter had decided to leave at the end of Block two, which meant he had another 15 minutes till he got to leave. Even less if he went to his teacher early, which he was thinking of doing.

Sitting at a back table alone, Hunter wasn't paying attention to anyone else in the room. It was currently free to work time so many were doing homework or just spacing out like himself.

He didn't expect a werewolf to suddenly sit at the same table as him. Hunter knew Max was in this class with him, he was just hoping he would mind his business.

Max sat awkwardly close to him and looked over at him sincerely.

"I didn't say anything," Max whispered.

Hunter glared at the wolf. "Really?" Hunter sneered. He didn't know why he was getting so mad at Max.

"I didn't," Max stated, gritting his teeth.

"So I'm just supposed to believe that after you messed with me about knowing what my soulmate was, and a demonologist shows up in towns days later that you didn't say anything?" Hunter asked angrily.

"Well when you put it like that," Max sighed. "I wouldn't say anything because you know who my mate is."

"I know," Hunter whispered. "I don't mean to take it out on you,"

"I know," Max repeated.

The two sat in the awkward silence that always seemed to find them when they were near. Max spoke up again soon after.

"You look terrible,"

"Thanks," Hunter said sarcastically.

"I'm not good at small talk," Max scratched his head.

"I can tell," Hunter said.

"Seriously though, what happened that day? Aj told me a little bit, mostly him freaking out that we weren't insane about what happened at the school," Max awkwardly chuckled. "How did you get separated,"

"Some of its fuzzy," Hunter said. "I remember trying to leave with Zekaj and suddenly this collar is around my neck and it completely wiped me out of all energy and they forced Zekaj out of my body."

Hunter started shaking as he recalled everything that happened. As he said it he saw it.

"Zekaj was wiped out completely, and the collar was still hurting him." Hunter felt a tear fall down his cheek. "They destroyed our contract together and I fought my dad and Ben to get him back. And I almost did!"

Hunter wiped his tears. Max looked at him worried and shocked at what had happened.

"I was so close to touching him and suddenly my dad hits me with lightning and the bond snapped as Zekaj was forced to go back to hell,"

"The bond snapped?" Max asked.

"Yeah it looks like it's dead," Hunter whispered. Hunter now saw he remembered a lot more than he thought he did. Those repressed memories had brought themselves back to the forefront.

"I didn't even know a bond could snap when both mates are in love," Max said. "I always heard about wolves and their mate bonds snapping when both parties don't want to be with each other, but not this."

"So you don't know if it can be repaired?" Hunter questioned him.

"I- I'm not sure. Maybe?"

Hunter sighed and stood up.

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