Part 20

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Henry ran. He didn't intend on stopping. He didn't want to know who Sammy's lord was but they sounded dangerous so he ran.
He huffed, sticking a board in one of the doors. Someone banged violently on the door, inky veins creeping underneath the bottom.
Henry backed away. Then there was a sound behind him. He turned around to see a soup can roll slowly across the floor. "Who's there? Show yourself!" Henry demanded.
He had no weapon so he hoped against all odds that it wasn't an enemy. The being in question walked around the corner.
"Boris?" Henry asked.

-time skip brought to you by smad demon (sad/mad)

Henry woke up from a much needed sleep in the safe house. He had found Boris, who had led him there. Henry walked towards the door and saw the lever missing.
He walked over to the friendly wolf. "Hey bud. Can I ask you about something?" Henry said. He'd wanted to ask so many questions.
Boris nodded, grabbing a pen and paper. "So first question, after I left, what did Joey do?" Henry asked.
Boris started writing it's his paper. "Oh, and just to clarify, I didn't exactly leave, Joey had forced me out before u could say goodbye..." Henry trailed off, tears stinging his eyes.
Boris held up his paper. "After you were gone Joey started harming me and Alice and Bendy. But Bendy was so distraught after you left he didn't even care. He was always either crying or sitting in your office just thinking."
Henry read the paper. "What...what happened to Bendy? Is he still here?!" Henry demanded. "His appearance changed a lot. He started dripping with ink and grew to eight feet tall. You can only see his grin now, not his eyes. He has only one glove, and looks like an inky skeleton. Also he has his bow tie." Boris wrote.
Henry gasped. "I saw him! B-but I ran a-away because he j-jumped out at me and he s-scared me. O-oh no! I n-need to f-find him!" Henry couldn't hold back and he was sobbing as he was talking. Boris looked startled at Henry's very sudden outburst.
He out a comforting hand on Henry's shoulder. "Bendy's not there anymore. It's just the hallow empty shell of the demon he used to be. He's angry and violent, far from who he used to be." Boris wrote.
Henry stared at the paper. "N-no, he can't be!" Henry said. Boris moved his foot to hide the toolbox. But Henry reached over and grabbed it.
He took the lever and jammed it in its slot, opening the door and leaving.
Boris ran after him. He shook his head frantically at the distressed animator. "I don't care, I need to see him again. This is all my fault." Henry sighed. After a while of exploring, they met Alice.
She instantly recognized Henry. She set tasks for him to keep him busy. Then she'd find out how to torcher him for leaving. Joey had told her so.
In the middle of a task in the toy department, Henry dropped his weapon and picked up a Bendy plushy. He hugged it tightly.
He didn't notice inky veins scattered across the wall. Bendy froze, finally realizing his eyes weren't tricking him he hid behind the corner and watched him.
Henry fell to his knees. He was crying. He stared at the plushy. "I will find you, and we will find a way out, and I will murder Joey for forcing me to leave!" Henry growled to himself.
He sniffled, hugging the plushy tighter. Despite Bendy thinking Henry hated him, because of what Joey said, he couldn't help but think that Henry looked just as adorable as the last day he'd seen him before now.
He felt his heart break at the sight of Henry so distressed. He had planned to catch him and question him about what Joey said.
But Henry spotted him and gasped, standing up straight. Bendy stared back at him. Henry wondered if what Boris said was true.
"Bendy?" Henry tried, taking a hesitant step forwards. Bendy lunged at him and Henry yelped in surprise as he was lifted into the air.
After a second of panicking, he realized Bendy was hugging him. He hugged the demon back. Bendy leaned down his knees so that Henry could touch the floor.
The demon was whining and snuggling his face into Henry's chest like a dog separated from their human for years.
Henry lost balance and fell onto the boards, but Bendy still hugged him, falling onto the floor as well. The two were both half crying half laughing of happiness.
Then Bendy remembered what Joey said. It spoiled his happy moment. "Henry, why did ya leave?" Bendy asked, arms still wrapped tightly around Henry.
"Joey had fired me, he forced me out, he said I wasn't even allowed to visit you guys, it broke my heart and I've missed you so damned much." Henry explained.
"I bet I missed ya more." Bendy smiled, snuggling into Henry again. "You've grown." Henry smiled.
"Heh-I dunno what happened, I guess the ink from the machine corrupted all the workers and us toons to transform into monsters. I don't know if there's a way to be uncorrupted or not." Bendy sighed.
"Don't worry bud, we'll find a way." Henry said. "Hey...I think that Joey's book might help us, there pretty common down here so we should be able to find one." Henry said.
"Let's go look." Bendy stood, reaching down and grabbing Henry's hand. The animator blushed a bit at this but the two walked hand in hand to find the illusion of living.

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