Chapter 22

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I took a deep breath before sighing heavily. After I pushed Mina all the way in my room I closed and locked the door before picking all of the music up and putting it back in order as I spoke. 

"I'm sure you've all noticed now often I leave the dorms by now, and you remember the time I was gone for a few months during the sports festival." They all nodded their heads in response. 

"Cut to the chase Fangs" Bakugo roared. I pursed my lips and gave him the side-eye. 

"Fine. I'm the lead singer of The Red Peonies." I crossed my arms, mad that Bakugo had to ruin my whole 'coming out' speech. 

"Holy shit! Really?" Mina yelled. I nodded and pushed the box of music under my bed and covered it back up with my blankets. 

"I got to tell Jiro!" Mina ran out of my room and I sprinted after her. 

"You can't tell anyone Mina!" I yelled. With all the grace of a cheese grater, I tripped and Mina managed to get to Jiro first. 

"What!" I heard Jiro yell. I sighed. I was hoping to keep this a secret for a bit longer. Now that my secret was out, I might as well tell the whole class. With a quick message to the class group chat and a bit of time, everyone gathered in the common room. 

"As a few of you figured out I have a small secret, and now that some of you know I have to explain to the rest of you" The whole class stared at me with either confused or expectant looks. 

"I'm Chikaku Niiru, the lead singer of The Red Peonies" It was quiet for a few seconds before they all began looking around. Most of them seemed pretty cool about it. 

"Can we come to one of your practices?" Mina exclaimed. In nervousness I scratched the back of my neck and let out a unsure chuckle.

"Our practice room is too small to fit everyone. But it's important that you guys keep this a secret. The only other people who know are Boss Man, Dadzawa, Bear Man, and three third years, one of them being my boyfriend, and now you all" I explained. 

"Why? If you're that good at singing, why not tell everyone who you are?" Kirishima asked. My eyes found the ground and my mood dropped. 

"I'm sure a few of you know about my brother to a certain degree. He's a few years older than me and took care of us after our parents died. His quirk is less than heroic and since I was related to him and had a similar quirk we were both labelled as monsters wherever we went," I began. The rest of the class really listened to everything I was saying. Uraraka, Momo, and Mina were all close to tears as I told them about my brother.

"Well five years ago he just up and left. I haven't heard from him since. We always used to have little concerts together. He would be my chorus and backup dancer as we preformed in front of our parents. I was hoping that by becoming famous I might be able to find him again"

"I still don't understand why you hide your face" Iida asked. 

"My quirk isn't very pretty or suited for something like fame, so I cover my face in order to hide who I am to make the band more successful" I admitted with a crooked smile. I was swamped with questions and a few of them wanting to hear me sing or play. Thankfully, I saw the clock and excused myself.

"I have to go to practice. I'll talk to you guys later" I waved and grabbed a few things from my room before leaving the dorms and heading to the studio. 

"Hey everyone" I waved to Hiso and Vira as well as Mar were already there. Vira waved with a smile and gave me a similar response, while Mr just nodded in my direction.

"Hello Doll" Hiso cooed. I rolled my eyes at him as he tuned his guitar. Right then Juugo burst through the doors breathing heavily. 

"Haa~ haa~ Sorry I'm late. I haa~ missed the train and haa~ had to run here" He stood up and threw his head back, trying to catch this breath. 

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