Chapter 16

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All of the others had some interesting matches. All Might against Midoriya and Bakugo was a hoot to watch. However, now it was mine and Shinso's turn. While the others were going I had time to explain my quirk as well as Shockers quirk. She has the ability to shoot electric waves from her palms. The voltage can be changed by her to whatever she wants. She usually stuns people, but she can also jam radio signals.

"So what I'm saying is, we need to be in sync without the use of any electronics" He nodded along to what I was saying.

"It's been awhile since I've seen her use it, but she likes to fight mid range. I personally have a close range quirk and from what I've seen yours in long range and noncombative. I think our best bet is this..."

The two of us were called into a training ground that was designed as a lot of open land and water. Meaning no hiding.

"Alright you may begin!" I had Shinso go and head to the water but not touch it. Heaven forbid if Shocker gets there first and sends electricity through the water.

Shocker and I went head to head fighting with our hands. I made sure not to allow her to touch me for long enough to completely stun me. I did get shocked every time she touched me and it was slowly wearing me down.

"Why isn't your partner helping you Ive? You're gonna lose if you keep this up. You think your mother fought alone? Then who was I?" She mocked.

"That's funny becasue if I remember correctly my Mom did most of the work" I shot back. Shocker smirked at me and we fought hand to hand for awhile. I had the cuffs out and tried to get her, but when they touched her she sent a large electrical current through them. Enough to shock me. I collapsed to the ground, spasming.

"Ivella!" Shinso called.

"What did you do to her?" Shinso yelled.

"Nothing much" When she responded Shinso was able to capture her mind and I sighed. He ran over to me and helped me up, but as he did his eyes went glossy and he fell over.

"I know what his quirk is. Sorry, but you fail" Shocker said. It was then that I smirked. The two of us began fighting again, but this time I enhanced myself. She was quickly over powered and was knocked to the ground. She tried to get back up, but she heard a clicking noise and looked down only to see her wrist in a cuff.

Shocker looked back only to see Shinso holding onto the cuff that was secured around her wrist.

"But you had the cuffs" She said to me.

"Yeah, but when he helped me up I slipped them to him. After that all we needed was for you to focus on me so Shinso allowed himself to be shocked so all of your attention would be on me and when you got close enough he could get you" I smirked and helped Shinso off the ground as Shocker stood up.

"Shinso and Ivella passed" Aizawa announced. I high fived him and we walked out of the training ground and gathered back in the classroom. Shinso went back to his own class and was given the rest of the day off.

"We have everyone's test scores back and you all passed the written exams. I know I said that whoever didn't pass would be staying back from Training camp, but I changed my mind. You will go, but you will be put through classes whenever we're not training" Aizawa explained. He then gave us a time and date for our trip but not a location. It was supposed to be kept a secret until we got there. School had ended and we all began packing up.

"How about we all go shopping for the trip tomorrow? It's Saturday after all" Uraraka proposed. Mostly every one (meaning everyone but Bakugo) agreed to go shopping together. So we planned a time we would meet up and went our separate ways.

An Unlikely HeroTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon