Chapter 17

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The next day, like we just talked about, I was invited to go to the school pool. I was going to bring my new swim suit, but got yet another text saying that Momo will make us bathing suit so Mineta and Denki don't perv out. Just the thought of Mineta looking at me like that sent shivers down my spine. Instead I packed a towel and a brush along with a few other things and asked Mic to drive me to the school. 

When I got there Momo had a suit ready for me and all the other girls were changed. We went out onto the deck and began stretching. Just as they had predicted Mineta and Denki waited for us to walk out of the locker room like dogs waiting for a steak. I curled my lip up in disgust. I have no idea why he's even in the hero program. 

We swam around the pool and played some water polo for a bit before the boys began talking about having a competition to see who could swim the fastest. I wanted to join, but the other girls settled for just judging it while chilling on the side of the pool. I won a few races, but got beaten by Todoroki. 

"Good try Ivella!" Mina congratulated me. I thanked her and sat next to the rest of girls to just watch. In the end it came down to Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo. I personally had my money on Bakugo. 

Like I said before, I really haven't talked to Midoriya at all. It's not like I hate him, but he's a bit to optimistic for my liking. Mirio was like that, but he was more funny than hopeful so he was bearable. Besides, he understood my odd humor where Midoriya doesn't He just analyzes it.

Todoroki is beginning to open up a bit more after I got back from the tour, and he's pretty clueless, but still rather funny even when he doesn't mean to be. His jokes about his dad are... fire... get it? Fire? Gosh I make myself laugh. 

Bakugo was always angry, but he obviously cared about the rest of us in his own weird way. Besides I like hanging out with him, his nicknames and insults are priceless. Sometimes he even just goes with the flow and has fun with the rest of us. Like that time he sang the sea shanty during our English final. That was pretty cool. 

Just as the three of them got ready, the start was called. Their quirks were powered up and they were ready to go. Sadly, Aizawa found us and canceled their quirks making them fall into the water less than gracefully. 

He spilt up our fun and told us to go home. I groaned. 

"Dadzawa" I whined. 

"Can't we stay longer? Please" I pleaded with my puppy dog eyes. He sighed. 

"5 more minutes and no quirks!" I cheered and jumped into the pool. Aizawa sat y the side and began watching us. I was splashing water around with some of the boys when I heard Denki begin to mumble. 

"What if I...?" He said out loud. Bakugo seemed to catch on. 

"Don't you fucking dare Dunce Face!" He yelled. The whole class looked at Denki and quickly scrambled out of the pool. 

"I think it's best if we get back home" Kirishima said nervously. The other very quickly agreed, but I stayed in the pool, looked Denki dead in the eye and said,

"Fucking do it. I dare you" Denki and I shared a look of mischief before he called sparks into his hand. I laughed evilly as he was about to stick his electrified finger in the water. It touched it, but nothing happened. I pouted and looked at Aizawa who had cancelled his quirk. 

"I said no quirks" He grumbled. I grumbled and got out of the pool. 

"You two come here. Everyone else, go get changed and head home" Aizawa demanded. The two of us walked over to Aizawa who was standing on his one hip with his arms crossed. 

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