Chapter 14

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When I woke up I was in a hospital room with food everywhere with Tamaki, Kirishima, and Fatgum spreading more around the room.

"Will this be enough? Tamaki you said her favorite food was pizza. I wasn't sure what kind she likes best so I just ordered one of everything. I also brought some snacks I got from the states. What else does she like? I'll run back out!" Fatgum was running around the room spreading food everywhere along with Kirishima who was trying to sort it all. He seemed just as enthusicatsic as Fatgum did. 

"Last time she had only eaten one and ended up getting really sick! I hope this will be enough for eating 4 of them! It's already been a day and a half. When is she gonna wake up?" Kirishima fretted. Tamaki just stood at the door looking nervous trying to explain to the other two what my favorite foods were and just trying to keep up with their energy. I stayed laying down but watched them move around my hospital room.

"Who do you think she's going to want to eat first? I'll have it ready and by her bed!" Fatgum asked. Tamaki was taken away by the chaos. 

"A meat lovers pizza would be good" I said.

"Oh! Good idea! I'll cut that up and put some on a plate!" Fatgum grabbed the pizza box before stopping along with Kirishima. 

"You're awake! I was so worried!" He yelled and hugged me with that big body of his. I laughed along, but stopped and hissed when I felt the pain in my ribs. My teeth bit the inside of my cheek as the pain slowly began to go away. 

"Oh sorry. They said you broke three ribs on your left side and some bruised organs. Recovery Girl is going to come from the school and heal you all" Fatgum explained. 

"All?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida got hurt to. Not as bad as you though. They're in the next room getting interrogated by the police. Don't worry though, you won't have to talk to them becasue you were called in to help" Kirishima explained. As he did Fatgum handed me a plate with pizza piled high on it. 

I looked at it and waited for the feeling of nausea to rise, but it didn't. When they noticed I was confused, Kirishima spoke up. 

"Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic had your stomach emptied while you were asleep so you didn't have to puke all of that up while you bad broken ribs" He told me. I nodded and began digging into the pizza. 

Fatgum had to leave soon after, but Kirishima and Tamaki had permission to stay with me for a bit longer. We all talked and had fun.

I pulled out  my phone and showed Kirishima a video.

"You need to do this for me!" I asked. It was a popular video with a song in the background while boys flexed and showed off their muscles. Kirishima thought it was manly and agreed right away. 

"There lived a certain man in Russia long ago He was big and strong and his eyes a flaming glow~" The song played. The red head moved his hand to the beginning of the song before striking two poses to flex his muscles in before pointing to his eyes and then the camera when it sang about the eyes. 

Soon enough the two of them left and I was alone. I sighed and fell back on my bed. It was inclined so I was still in a sitting position. Most of the lights were off in the hospital and it was dark. There wasn't much movement outside of the nurses that went  up and down the halls to check on the patients. 

Out of nowhere I hear a knocking sound. I look over to the door only to find it closed and no one on the other side. It happened again and this time I could tell it came from the window. I got up with a groan of pain and opened the window.  A dark shadow jumped into my room and wiped themselves down. 

An Unlikely HeroTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang