Chapter 11

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"A sports festival?" I repeated Mic's words. He nodded. 

"Every student in the grade competes. It's a opportunity for the students in other courses to join the hero course, but in order to do that the hero class need to get rid of a student. They pretty much switch places" Mic explained. 

"And you expect me to compete in it?" I ask. He nodded again. 

"When is it?"

"In a month"

"Just as I thought. No can do Boss Man. I leave for our tour in tomorrow. I'll be gone for a month and a half after that." I told him. 

"Besides, I'm only in the hero course becasue I might be in danger and there was no other way I would agree to going if I wasn't in Dadzawa's class. There's no way Mr. Bear Man would kick me out of class 1-A" I explained. Mic pouted but agreed to what I said nonetheless. 

It was early in the morning. Mic was dressed and sitting on my bed while I pack pretty much everything I own. All of our set costumes were packed and on the tour bus as well as out equipment, at least what we want to keep with us. Everything else equipment wise is on another truck. 

We'll be mostly staying hotels, but we're going to need to sleep on the bus every now and then. 

Along with clothes and toiletries I packed some comfort items and some good food. I had almost completely restored my weekly reserve after the feast 1-A cooked for me. I figured I would be able to get the rest during the trip. One great thing about my quirk is no matter how much I eat I never gain weight. If I feel a bit heavy I can just use my quirk for a bit and I'm back to normal. 

Once that was done I got ready for school. Mic and I ate out for breakfast due to it being my last full day before the tour starts. Every few minutes I would find myself reaching into my bag and grasping for a small box that I had put in there earlier. It made me giddy and sad at the same time. 

Class went well after Aizawa decided to threaten kids with new trauma. I sighed. 

I was bored listening to hero rules and laws. Aizawa really knew how to bore a class. I smirked and threw my pencil at Denki. He winced and turned to look at me. He then threw his pencil back at me. I frowned and glared at him. I mouthed 'game on' to him. I picked up his pencil and threw it back at him. It hit his eye and I silently cheered. Score! Denki threw my pencil back at me, but I caught it. A smirk played on my face. The two of us began throwing pencils at each other. 

"Can you two try to be more MATURE?" Aizawa asked sounding exhausted. To be fair he was covered in bandages still. 

I looked at Aizawa then Denki, then Aizawa then Denki, the Aizawa then Denki. Aizawa tilted his head at me daring me to try something. I pulled my head back and smiled with my seven chins I created. I punched Denki in the shoulder.

"TAXES!" I screamed. Denki pouted and cradled his shoulder. 

"Ivella I swear! God I wish crack was legal" He murmured the second part to himself, but I still heard him. Enhances hearing and all. The lunch bell rang and I cheered. 

In the last few days Bakugo has taken to sitting next to Denki, Sero, Kirishima, Mina and me. Jiro and Shoji sit at the same table, but keep themselves. 

"Shoji!" I yelled. He jumped and used one of his arms to speak to me. 

"Please don't be so loud Ivella" He scolded. I scratched the back of my neck and giggled.

"Anyway. Shoji can you do me a favor?" I asked. 

"I guess that depends on what it is" Shoji stated. 

An Unlikely HeroOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora