Chapter 8

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"Today we will be doing a combat drill..." All Might prattled on for awhile but I was on my phone texting Tamaki. He wasn't answering, but I saw that he had read them. He's such a good student. I inwardly giggled at his cuteness. My phone buzzed and I saw that Mirio sent me a picture of Tamaki was was trying to disappear in his desk with a VERY red face with the caption 'This your man??'. All of a sudden part of the wall popped out reveals brief cases with numbers on it. 

"Young Ivella you don't have a suit design becasue of your late admittance. Please submit a design to Erasure Head as soon as possible!" I shot him a glare.

"Good. You can call me Good. Anything else is unacceptable. I'm going to say this now becasue I'm in a bad mood and you'll figure it out on your own eventually. I know you're some big hero over here, but I. Don't. Like. You. So don't get all chummy with me" I spoke in English because I knew he understood what I was saying. He seemed taken aback, but answered me nonetheless. 

"May I ask what I did to warrant such hatred from you Miss. Good?" All Might kept his large smile even through me clear distaste towards him. 

"Think back. 6 years ago. The Ambrosia building, though I doubt you remember. You were too busy getting praised to notice the bodies they were carting out of the debris. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to Mr. Bear Man" I pushed my chair back with a screen while everyone grabbed their own hero costumes and marched out of the classroom. 

As I walked through the halls my anger began to bubble up again. My fight with Mic and Aizawa, seeing All Might, my exhaustion from not being able sleep becasue of my nightmares, and just how much I was reminded that I'm all on my own after last night. Tears dripped from my eyes as I ran towards another classroom. From behind me I heard a door slam open and Mic calling out to me, but he had a class to teach, so he didn't chase me. 

When I got to classroom 3-A I slammed the doors open with my hair covering my distraught face. 

"Principal Nezu needs to talk to Amajiki and I. I was told to tell him." The teacher. What I didn't see becasue my head down was the worried looks Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki shared. My boyfriend got out of his seat and tried to get out of the spotlight as quickly as possible. I closed the door and pulled him into a bathroom. I locked the door and after I made sure no one could walk in on us I jumped into his arms and cried my heart out. He was nervous and awkwardly moved his hands before hesitantly settling them on my back. 

I looked up at his nervous and pulled away. I wiped my swollen, red eyes and stepped away from him, hiding my face. 

"Sorry. I probably made you uncomfortable. I'll talk to Principal Nezu and tell him what happened. You can go back to class" I sniffled and kept wiping the never ending tears spilling from my eyes. 

"Y-you didn't. A-are you okay?" He stuttered. I looked up at his rather bold question, at least for him. He was obviously nervous to annoy me, but to me it made me feel a lot better. 

I grabbed his arm and tugged his sleeve to have him sit on the floor with me. 

"I've mentioned that my parents died 6 years ago before I moved here, but the truth is All Might was there the day they died and seeing him tipped me over the edge" I admitted. Tamaki's arm was warm around my shoulder and I decided to change our position. Instead I moved his legs that were tucked into his body into a crisscross position and at in front of him. I moved his arms to wrap around me and settled into his body. His body seemed to relax as well as mine and we just sat there for a moment in silence. 

"My mom was a hero in her younger days. In fact she was so popular and strong that she was ranked number 1 for 8 years before she retired. She decided to quit her hero work when my older brother was born. We weren't wanting for money and she wanted her family and herself to be safe. Her quirk allowed her to enhance her body and senses at her own will. My father was a hero lawyer. He worked in this really big building. I remember him taking us to his building. Everyone was so nice there and heroes were always walking around. That's actually how they met. Romantic, huh? Anyway, one day my dad was at work and the two of us had just gotten picked up by Mom from school. That's when it happened. Mom had gotten a call from one of her old hero friends who was still on duty. My fathers building was attacked by a villain and had collapsed. My Mom told my brother to watch me and she ran as fast as she could. From what I was told by the people who were trapped inside was my father held up a large part of the fallen ceiling in order for others to escape. He was on the third floor which hadn't completely come down at the time. My Mom ran in to save him, but the ceiling chunk had already crushed him to death. No one knows exactly how it happened, but the floor had collapsed under her and she got impaled by an old, broken pipe and died. By the time my brother and I had gotten there the medics were wheeling their bodies out of the debris. All the while, All Might stood there getting praised for the great work he had done." I finished my story and pulled my knees up to my chest and leaned away from Tamaki a little. 

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