Chapter 21

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The next day class 1-A were all loaded onto the bus with Aizawa sleeping in the back. I sat at the wheel and closed the door. Momo reached over the back of my seat and spoke nervously.

"Are you sure you can drive one of these?" She asked. I nodded confidently.

"I have a license to drive this bus given to my by the country. I can drive us all" I added.

"But why isn't Aizawa driving us there?" Tsu asked. I stiffened. Instead of answering I started the bus and drove off the UA campus.

"Well you see, Nezu said that Aizawa deserved a day to sleep since its his fieldtrip to, so I offered to drive" I chuckled nervously. I felt a small tickle on the back of my neck, but kept my hands on the wheel.

"So there isn't a radio on this bus, but it had a DVD player. Anyone got anything good? If not I have the latest Red Peonies album, some Panic At The Disco!, Green Day, ACDC..." I listen off the few CD's I had brought along.

"You have The Red Peonies album?" Jiro yelled in excitement.

"Yep I indeed do" I told her.

"That Cd was sold out before it's selling date because of all the preorders and the newest album is more of a mixture of all their music" Jiro nerded out about my band. It made me happy.

"I'm fine with that" Shoji and Tokoyami agreed. Sero, Kirishima, and Denki also seemed pretty enthusiastic.

"I like them" Todoroki said offhandedly. The others who didn't know The Red Peonies that well was interested and agreed as well. I slid in the disk and began playing it.

Everyone soon got the hang of it and the whole class began singing and dancing along much to some of the quieter students dismay. Thankfully I thought ahead and made sure all of the coffee pots didn't work so Aizawa didn't get any, and as a precaution I put noise cancelling headphones on him.

We only drove for about an hour before we arrived at our destination. School was still in session as well as those who work normal hours so the huge beach was pretty much empty.

I parked the bus and we all filed out. Aizawa was still sleeping so I picked him up with my quirk as everyone else changed into their swim suits. After laying a towel on the sand I set him down on top of it before stabbing an umbrella in the sand to give him some shade.

"Momo! Can you make a volleyball net?" Mina asked. They were just finishing as I walked in.

"I brought a beach ball and a volleyball so we can play either" I told them. My duffle bag had the basics as well as some floaties and toys that we can play with. Even though they all finished, the girls waited for me to finish changing before we all left at the same time.

My bathing suit was a maroon red one piece with a small hole cut out in the chest area and a golden design next to it. Mina had a blue and pink leopard print bikini, Momo had a black one piece as well with a cute X made from the straps, Uraraka had a cute frilly pink bikini with high waisted bottoms, Hagakure had a yellow bikini that was pretty basic, and Tsu had a body suit with short sleeves and shorts reaching to her knees that was striped green and white.

The boys all had swim trunks that honestly corresponded with their quirks. They were all dorks. Bakugo had an explosion pattern on his, Midoriya had All Might ones, Todoroki had half white half red trunks, Kirishima had Red Riot on his, Tokoyami's were pure black, Shoji's were silver and blue, and etc.

Momo had quickly set up a net and the girl got to playing volleyball while the boys set up their towels and splashed around. It didn't take very long until The boys had joined the frey and we were all using our quirks to help us.

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