Chapter 18 The Family Is Complete...With One Exception

Începe de la început

Young Luna: All we know is la, la, la, la, la, so might as well just la, la, la, la, la, All day long!!!

Young Luna: Everybody loves this, everybody loves this, I'm just gonna do it too.

Young Luna: We don't need a new song, we already got one, I'm just gonna give you what everybody wants!!!

Young Luna: What Everybody wants!!!, What everybody wants!!!, what everybody wants, guess I want it too!!!

( End Of The Song)

Sam: Wow was that amazing!!!
Jake: Yeah That's two of the best songs I have ever heard!!!
Luna: Thanks guys I didn't think you would love those two old songs as they are from 20 years ago
John Reid: That clearly shows that your talent is timeless, look Luna I have been in this racket for close to 30 years and I never heard music like that it was the best I ever heard especially that What Everybody wants song
Luna: Thanks guys so does this mean??
Sam: Yeah we definitely want to rerecord these two songs but we must do some fixes here and there so we can feature

Meanwhile with Leni she was at the downtown supermarket getting some groceries for dinner she returned to the Loud House just 5 days ago and she's so far the only one of the older half of sisters but more are coming 2 of them today, she had brought back Kim with her

Meanwhile with Lori she was on her way back toRoyal from Miami, she opted to drive her way back for personal reasons she was driving a  1984 Sky Blue Dodge Shelby Charger and obviously she wasn't traveling alone, she was driving with her 3 kids, Ashley, Dionysus and Diego, while Bobby was out of state but will be joining up with her in Royal Woods in a couple of weeks with his two children Roberto Jr and Maria

Back with Lori, 2 of the 3 kids were fast asleep except for Ashley who was riding shot gun with her mother and had to ask her something

Ashley: So mom, what are your plans to make uncle Lincoln forgive you as that's a lot of cr...
Lori: Don't you dare say that word! Or I'll wash your mouth out with soap!!!
Ashley: Sorry
Lori: Apology accepted, anyway I don't know yet but we have the next 2 months to spend time with him before his fight so I'll figure something out in those 2 months
Ashley: Ok if you say so

Lori was wearing a black shirt with dark blue jeans and a pair of combat boots and a purple hat that Luna once gave her

30 June 1987

Meanwhile with Luan she was getting ready for her own journey to Royal Woods as she was packing her bags for her journey later today as she'll be taking all 3 of her kids with her too as Logan, Candace and Oliver were excited to be going too

Meanwhile with Lynn Sr and Rita they were very happy that soon all their 11 kids will be with them under one roof even Lincoln which was adding to the excitement

Meanwhile with The Heavyweight division here was the slightly changed Top 10 heavyweight rankings of the heavyweight division

Bruno Martin ( Champion)

1 Lincoln Loud
2 Mike Tyson
3 Tim Witherspoon
4 James Bonecrusher Smith
5 Adilson Rodriguez
6 James Buster Douglas
7 Carl Williams
8 Michael Dokes
9 Tyrell Biggs
10 Tony Tucker

Meanwhile with Lincoln he was in the middle of a conversation with Clyde

Lincoln: Yeah to think I'll be going back to hell on the 14th of July
Clyde: Yeah but let's be positive champ
Lincoln: Yeah and my team got me to go train at the Kronk Gym and they want me to try to swing the whole of Michigan and probably America to my side against Martin
Clyde: Well just do it there's nothing to lose
Lincoln: Yeah so when will you be in Royal Woods?
Clyde: I'll be there a week before you arrive and so will many of the gang except for Sid and Ronnie Anne who will be coming two days after you arrive
Lincoln: Ok then I'll see you then
Clyde: Cool

Meanwhile with Lynn Jr after her success in NWA and AWA double promotion women's champion Lynn Loud Jr was packing up she had one more match next week and then she could travel and join up with her family and especially Lincoln, she hopes that in his two month stay he gives her a chance to redeem herself

5 July 1987

Lori and Leni have already arrived at the Loud house and so has Luan and Luna and now the drive way and even the front yard was littered with cars of different shapes, sizes and colors all ligned up on either side of the van but there was still two spaces open one for Lynn Jr and the other for Lincoln, with most of the sisters here other than Lynn Jr the Louds decided it was time to load up the new room as some of the family cleaned up the room and threw away everything associated with the bad luck incident of two decades earlier, others went shopping and bought some furniture including a nice big double bed with two sets of matresses one a waterbed and another a memory foam mattress it will be up to the couple to decide which they wanna use and among other things they bought a shower, a toilet, a TV set, a big clothes rack drawers and a couple of mirrors

Lori was in the kitchen cooking dinner with Rita

Rita: I hope things go well during Lincoln's visit
Lori: I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees that room damn I wish I was sleeping in there
Rita: Me too and they won't be heard doing god knows what since it's sound proof
Lori: Yeah but mom what are we gonna do about the kids he might bring his kids over if he has any, but I'm pretty sure he has kids judging by the haircolour of that girl's hair
Rita: We'll just have to send them to bunk with some of the other kids in Lisa's and the twin's rooms since you girls are sharing rooms with 2 other sisters now
Lori: Yeah I hope Lynn and Dad don't ruin everything again these 2 months are almost certainly our last chance at redemption
Rita: You and me both honey but we better keep  cool and paitent heads as Lincoln, his wife Christina and their potential children might be mad and want space so we better be careful for the first few weeks

Clyde was back at his house with Girl Jordan and their two children a girl named Lola and a boy named Charlie as Harold and Howard McBride were excited to welcome him back and his family

Meanwhile with Lynn Jr

7 July 1987

After wrestling her last match and winning again she got on a plane with her son Dave and flew all the way to Pontiac, Michigan where they were picked up by Lori in her car

Lori: Hey
Lynn Jr: Hi
Lori: I hope you won't fuck this up like you usually do
Lynn Jr: Lori I'm not a delusional 13 year old I'm a grown ass woman I'm 33 years old what do you take me for?
Lori: Sighs we'll see

The trio arrive back at the loud house

AN: Done now the family is complete well almost but not for long as Next chapter Lincoln will begin his journey back to the Loud House and he'll be taking Christina and The Kids with him so what do you guys expect in the reunion? Anyway please leave your thoughts on the chapter I'll see you later bye and have a wonderful day

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