The Fight Part 2

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"I'm sure between the princess lessons, security training and martial art lessons plus your counselling your days will be filled up".

I watch her as she takes off her jacket she looks defeated but she has to learn to take advice for what it is. People trying to help her because they care about her. Eva is so stubborn at times the truth is before I proposed to her. I wondered if because of her stubbornness our marriage wouldn't last. Or if she would do something to upset the king and queen to make us lesser royals before my younger cousins reach the age of eighteen. I spoke to her father about her stubbornness weeks before I propose to her. I mean people change and I really hope she does. My sister Victoria is a good example of that. Eva's father promised me he would talk to her for me.

Eva take her shoes off and opens the fridge and takes out a carton of sparkling grape juice. She pours herself a drink then looks at me, "I spoke to my dad today. I went into his office huffing and puffing gearing up for a fight when the receptionist told me. He sent a email round saying everyone needs to call me ma'am. When I heard the king's private secretary sent the email I was livid. Dad told me to check my email I did to see I was sent an explanation as to why".

"Like I keep saying to you always check your emails when you first get up and throughout the day. The different courts private secretaries will send you information".

"I know I forgot I was angry ok. Why didn't he call me instead?"

I laugh, "You really expected the king of Denmark to stop what he's doing and call you to make you feel better".

She becomes angry then rolls her eyes, "When you say it like that it does sound stupid. It's just Debbie always had her dad calling her or she calls him when I'm with her".

"She's is his daughter you're the soon to be wife of his nephew, his brother's son. My dad isn't even the spare anymore, Alexsander's daughter is his heir and her son is next in line and her two other children are the new spares. This is how far done in the line of succession I'm. My dad now comes after the baby Debbie as yet to give birth to. No actually he's after Prince Alexander".

I watch her take another sip of her drink, "In the grand scheme of life if those kids were our age now. We wouldn't matter at all even as a prince and princess".  It was nice to know things were finally sinking in for her.

"We do matter Eva we do engagements for the monarchy and when those kids are finally our age. We will still be doing work for the monarchy and Denmark. When you agreed to marry me you agreed to serve your country as an ambassador. We just won't be at the forefront of the monarchy like we're now. Right now there's five of us doing engagements you and Maria will make it seven soon. I want to give our children a legacy to hold on to. I saw what mom's ambition allowed her to become I saw what lying and wanting to have control did to her. I have no intention of marrying a woman like her".

Eva comes over to me and takes my hands in hers, "My father read me the riot act this morning and I want my children to have a happy childhood and I know we're extremely lucky. Right now me, you, Debbie and Antonio are the younger generations of the monarchy but that will change over the coming years. And you and I will fade into the background I'm okay with that William. I don't crave the spotlight I'm sorry I've been a great A bitch to you at times".

"If we talk things through and are honest with each other we can make our relationship work".

"It's a deal".

"Are you looking forward to your princess lessons?"

"Yes, I love what I've done so far and I'm learning something new every time I go to one. I'm really looking forward to the self defence lessons".

"I'm glad I can't wait till I do my first engagement with you".

After our talk Eva's and I relationship went from strength to strength. She was determined to be a great role model for young black girls everywhere.

It was Eva's and I first official royal engagement together. We were going to Antonio's charity to see the work it was doing. The charity was the equivalent of the Prince's trust in Great Britain. Antonio wanted us to do the engagement since his schedule was now so busy. He wanted me to be an ambassador for it I was honoured he gave me such a prestige position.

Eva didn't complain why he's not going on an engagement for his charity instead she was happy to have such a easy first engagement. She was always interested in this particular charity and I was proud of her as I watched her work the room.
After our engagement we went back home and ate lunch we were now free for the rest of the day. We spent the afternoon in bed then I went over the engagement with Eva. She took the criticisms well I knew Debbie would talk to her about it too. Eva understood finally that next to her father Debbie will make decisions that will effect us. She didn't even have to get her parents permission to give us a yes or a no answer.

I left Eva with Debbie for couple hours while I went for a squash game with Giovanni.

The Lonely Prince(BWMN)Book 3 of The House Of Jensen Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt