Chapter 10 - Naofumi's Home and Past

Start from the beginning

"Naofumi..." muttered Pakura. "It's been too long since I last saw you."
"You need to loosen up." complained Anko. "We get it, you love the dude, but come on, you're acting like one of those Uchiha fangirls."
"Unlike those fangirls, I actually get laid." shrugged the Scorch Style user. "And at least I have a genuine reason to be attracted to him, unlike those sluts who only want to get his money or status."
"Yeah... gonna be a real shame when you marry him." muttered Anko. "I ain't one to step on another girls man, especially when he's married. Gonna be a shame to lose the only good dick available in this whole damn village."
"Come on Anko, we have fun together." said Pakura, grabbing the Snake Mistress' ass and squeezing it. "A lot of fun~ I'm sure Naofumi wouldn't object to continuous threesomes if I bring it up, not all that different from our current arrangement anyway. Or, he could just marry both of us."

"That Lord Second." muttered Anko. "What was he thinking when putting in the CRA into the official law of the village? Old perv probably wanted some action with his clan dying out and figured he could get some with a literal law."
"I heard he died unmarried and with no kids. 'All work no fun' with that guy apparently." retorted Pakura. "But the context doesn't matter. We have a way to both get what we want, and I know a certain someone wouldn't complain."

"I don't know..." muttered Anko, stopping outside her house. "Things like marriage and settling down never really crossed my mind. Always figured I'd be a free spirit, away from expectations about everything. Society, my teacher, my skills. I just... never thought about it."

But now that she did, she could see a fairly large house, with a little boy running around with a toy snake, chasing after a little girl younger than him, both with purple hair. Another girl with green and orange hair chased after the other two, and a trio of adults sat on the couch and watched.


It wasn't the lifestyle of Anko Mitarashi, but it was not something she'd be opposed to.

"I-I'm going to get prepped. I'll see you at the gate in 30." said Anko, rushing into her house. Closing the door behind her, she lost her thoughts to what she had just let play out in her mind. Kids, a husband, a family. It was a strange thought for Anko, not really knowing imagining it to be possible. In the world of shinobi, any day could be your last. Anko was an orphan, and decided that if she had children, she didn't want them to suffer the same fate as she did growing up.

She grasped her hand to her neck, where that son of a bitch Orochimaru bit her and gave her the Curse Mark. She may be sociable on the outside, but she was extremely self conscious about her neck and biting. She didn't like getting bitten, but some men she slept with before didn't give a fuck and did it anyway. She promptly got one of her snakes to poison their dicks. But Naofumi was different. Gentle and careful at the start, until she trained him up into a fine young man that would have any woman's toe's curled up in ecstasy. He was a compassionate guy, who truely spent time with her outside of the bedroom or missions. He was...

He was someone Anko needed to have a very long talk with when she found him again.


"I'm telling you, it was Naofumi-oji!" yelled Naruto inside the house of the client, Tazuna the Bridge Builder.
"Naruto... we know what we saw... but how could that possibly be Naofumi-itoko?" questioned Sasuke, secretly just as hopeful as his blonde teammate that the person they saw really was Naofumi. "He disappeared to god knows where, comes back for a few seconds, and disappears again? For all we know, it was just our mind playing tricks on us or a genjutsu."
"No way! I know Naofumi-oji! It was him! Naofumi-oji was here!" yelled Naruto. "He... he didn't leave me behind like... like the others..."

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