19|The Sweet & The Scary

Start from the beginning

Drink water and eat today you're worth it

Those were all very her

"You're adorable you know" Winnie laughed "I can't believe you and him get along so well he's so-"

"Winnie" Alexis cut her off and nodded her head to the side toward this doors she turned and only now noticed I was listening and watching them the entire time

"Have a good day!" She spun around running out

"I'm so what?" I asked looking toward Alexis

She smiled "cute"

I laughed "I'm sure that's what she was going to say"

"Well we'll never know but that's what I would have said"

I shrugged looking toward my own computer "you're the only one who would ever say that"

"Aww don't be a Debby downer"

"Em not" I mumbled

I heard her heels I saw her as she leaned over so she was in my field of vision "lots of people think I'm scary"

I laughed "now I doubt that"

She cocked and eyebrow "mm that's because you've only ever seen the nice sweet side of me but trust me in high school and college girls used to come by me when they were being chased around or teased by guys and I was big mama bear and scared them off"

I cocked an eyebrow "what a beautiful knight in shining armor you were then"

"I was" she nodded "just count your lucky stars that you'll never have to cause I'll kick your ass from here back to England" she winked and spun around walking back to her desk

I bit my lip she's the only one that could ever get away with telling me shit like that, but she had the gift

The gift of being charming enough to to say whatever the hell she wanted and getting away with it

At lunch she offered to grab me something from down the street she left her keys with me so I could move the luggage while she was out

I walked down we normally parked next to each other I do it on purpose I dunno why she does it

I opened my trunk and pulled out the suit cases I opened her trunk and put them in I closed her trunk and closed mine

I stayed there outside leaning on my car staring into hers for a moment just thinking

I didn't like this car... it's not safe it's older there's nothing really wrong with it visually but someone could pick this so easily, the safety rating isn't that high either but I don't think she'd just let me buy her a newer one either

"Hey!" I turned Alexis was walking up bag and drink holder in hand "don't look at my car it's dirty!" She laughed

I looked into her car and really paid attention this time there were blankets in her back seat and a few water bottles on her passenger seat

"Oh yes very dirty" I turned to meet her on the side walk "you should be ashamed" I joked taking the bag from her

"A*s" she giggled continuing toward the building

"How old is that car? An 09 innit?"

"Yep" she hummed

"Have you ever been in a car accident?"

"Uh yeah a few I've been hit when I was a kid and while in other people's car but only once by myself it was in this car actually" she shrugged

"Mm" I didn't like to hear that "Which one was the worst?"

"Umm objectively I couldn't tell you but the one when I was a kid the car caught fire and my mom and her boyfriend left me in the car they got his kid out but left me... I think I was 6" she hummed as if she hadn't just told me her mother left her to die

"I'm sorry what?!" I stopped in my tracks she turned to looked at me

"They got out, got his son from the car seat, and left me in the car I was asleep"

I squinted "so who got you out?"

"The fire fighters"

"Fucking Christ" I started to walk with her "I don't get you"

"Get what?" She questioned

"How you can be so happy after shit like that?"

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