"Anything good in there?" Cheryl asked, going over to see. "Yep, look at this." Toni pointed to one of the mini car toys.

"Baby, Hunter isn't even one yet." Cheryl reminded. "So? We can keep it for our birthday." Toni nods.

"Speaking of you two birthdays, what do you want to do?" The redhead asked, taking over the magazine.

"It's gonna be Hunter's first year on earth, He's the more important birth. We can throw a themed birthday party for him and just sing to the both of us." Toni shrugs.

"Baby, we've gone over this, your birth is important too," The redhead rolled her eyes.

"Blah, blah, blah. It isn't to me, so I don't want to outshine Hunty. I mean, it's still going to be my birthday, I could get gifts and stuff but it just wouldn't be my party." Toni explained, wrapping her arms around Cheryl's waist when the redhead moved to stand between her legs.

"Alright, if that's what you want, then we'll do that." Cheryl gets close to her face, surprising her wife with a short peck on the lips. "Ohhh, give me more, " Toni smirked, gripping Cheryl's shirt.

Cheryl giggled, leaning in to kiss her once more. Toni tilts her head, deepening the kiss making the pale woman smile against her lips.

Hunter started whining from the other room and Toni sighed in exhaustion, "I can't wait until he can talk and actually call us instead of crying, " The brunette said.

"Aww!" Cheryl pouts, "I can imagine his little 'Mommy!' that's so cute!"

Toni rolled her eyes playfully, patting Cheryl's butt for her to move so she could go get their son.

Once Toni returned with a teary-eyed Hunter, Cheryl smiled at her son, "Hey, my handsome boy!"She opened her arms.

He smiled, leaning over for her, and Toni handed him over. "Mommy missed you today, baby." Cheryl kissed his cheek.

He giggled when Cheryl's hand raised down to tickle his stomach, his tiny body squirming against his mother's torso.

"Did he eat?" The redhead asked her wife who was sitting at the counter again, "No, he went right to sleep soon as we got home, " The brunette divulges, picking up the magazine again. 

Cheryl kissed Hunter's temple as she looked for one of the bottles she put in the fridge.

"You hungry, bub? Mommy's going to make you a bottle!" The redhead coos, placing the bottle in the microwave.

"What do you want for dinner?" Cheryl asked, testing the temperature of the bottle. She hummed once she knew it was warm enough.

She laid the boy down in her arms before sticking the bottle into his mouth, Hunter's hands coming up to hold the bottle. He can hold it on his own now, Toni nearly cried when she saw him do it for the first time.

"Chicken alfredo!" The brunette said excitedly. Cheryl giggled, and shook her head at her wife, "Alright, I can make that." She said and Toni's smile grew wider.

"Gosh, you two are adorable!" The redhead laughs, sitting down at the counter.


"Oof, that was so good." Toni sighed, leaning back in her seat as she rubbed her stomach.

"You're welcome, babe." The redhead smiled, taking Toni's plate and she got up to clean them.

"Let me do it." Toni says while following behind her wife.

"No, baby, I got it." Cheryl says, going to grab the sponge. Toni sighed, "Babe, what did I say about refusing my help? Remember what happened last time you did?" Toni chuckled and Cheryl's face turned red.

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