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request for notinsideyourmind

i stood proudly, panting but triumphant over my best friend daniel. laughing, i stuck out my hand and pulled him to his feet.

"how is it that you beat me every time" he shook his head, a confused smile splayed across his lips. "as much as you may think seavey, your really not that hard to best"

daniel didn't reply as he rubbed a sore spot on his leg from where i had hit it mere moments ago. even though we where training to be knights, we still weren't aloud to practice with our swords unsheathed, but the wooden sheathes we where provided made excellent bruises.

"EVERYONE GATHER ROUND" marcus, our trainer, called from the center of the practice arena. daniel and i jogged over along with the other knights in training. there where about 20 of us, all sons and daughters of lords and ladies or wealthy merchants. i say daughters but i'm the only girl here. it's a long story but basically i was never good at any of the other things a girl around here was supposed to do so one day i snuck down with the boys to train, ended up being pretty good at it, and have done it every day since.

"since your all almost 18 it's time you start preparing and picking your partners for the official passing ceremony. now i want all of you to get a good nights rest. we've got a hard couple weeks of training ahead"

marcus headed off twords the castle, leaving us to gather our gear and head back by ourselves. i was bending over to pick up the last of my weapons when i heard the sound of a blade being drawn from its scabbard.

my instincts kicked in and i pulled my sword from its sheath, turning around in a ducking motion before springing to my feet.

before me stood corbyn, blade drawn and bent over slightly from his attempt to attack me. around us where a group of our friends.

a wave of emotions ran through me all at once, rage that he tried to attack me while my back was turned, exhilaration at the thought of another fight, amusement that he thought i could be beat that easily, and the strange fluttering that happened in my stomach ever time i saw him.

corbyn wore a confident smirk, pulling himself together and swinging again, this time for my torso but i was read and easily parried the blow and lunged for his head. corbyn countered and we continued in a dance of blades.

a small crowd had gathered around to watch. even though all of them where fairly good it was common knowledge that corbyn and i where the best there. we where always bickering over who was the best and the occasional fight broke out, similar to this one.

i personally thought that i was way better then him because i was and usually would have been able to defeat him if it weren't for the fact that i may or may not be in love with him and didn't want to see him humility.

corbyn made a lunge for my sword arm but overstep and was left vulnerable. i could have ended it right there but there was some small, stupid part me that refused and i took a small step back. my eyes met the blue of daniels and i tried to signal to him to stop the fight.

"alright alright alright that's enough you too we need to rest come on" daniel stepped forward, carful not to get his head cut off, and grabbed me hand, dragging me out of the circle of onlookers and twords the castle in the distance.

𝑊𝐻𝑌 𝐷𝑂𝑁𝑇 𝑊𝐸 𝐼𝑀𝐴𝐺𝐼𝑁𝐸𝑆/𝑃𝑅𝐸𝐹𝑅𝐴𝑁𝐶𝐸𝑆Where stories live. Discover now