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meeting them for the first time...

- you had been going to the same coffee shop for weeks now, in hope of catching another glimps of him. every morning was the same. you walked to the cafe on 31st and main street, took a seat in the corner booth, and ordered a coffee and a bagel. he had been there almost every day, except for wednesday's. you glanced up at him through your eyelashes and saw he was doing the same. the eye games had begun. it was like this every day. each of you trying to catch glimpses of the other without them noticing, neither of you haveing the courage to talk to the other, your heart fluttering when his eyes met yours. suddenly you saw him get up out of the corner of your eye and walk over to you. you looked up and he gave you a small smile that melted your heart to the core. " hey i'm jonah, can i sit down" you smiled and nodded.

- "hey y/n this is corbyn" your childhood friends max introduced you to the blonde next to him. fuck he's hot. no y/n you can't think that. but he is. NOOO.
"hi" you gave him a small smile. " im gonna go find the others. catch you guys later"max walked off to go find the rest of your friends. " so how do you know max" you asked giving him a smile and moving over so he could sit. "i met him at one of our release party's" " release party" you questioned. " oh yea haha i'm sort of in a band called why don't we" he scratched the back of his neck. " that's dope" you smiled again. you saw his breath hitch at this and smirked. " so what else do you like" you asked. " well i love shoes" "ME TOO" you exclaimed, maybe a little to excitedly. he smirked and you blushed which just made him smirk more. you guys started talking about your favorite shoes and debating which where best and worse for what felt like forever. eventually you had to go. " well i'll see you around corbyn" " yea see you later" he smiled and you smiled back.

- you eyed the group of boys out of the corner of your eye. they had been pointing at you all night and conversing and play what looked like rock paper scissors. you weren't stupid, you had seen this type of shit before. you knew they where betting on which one of them would be able to fuck you first. usually you weren't bothered by it, but usually you had a big group of friends. tonight it was just you. of course you wouldn't go down without a fight, but they where also a lot bigger than you. you started panicking a little as one of them broke of from the pack and began stalking towards you, his friends cheering him on. suddenly an idea popped into your head. you looked around you and quickly grabbed the arm of a muscular guy who seemed sweet enough. "quick pretend your my boyfriend" you whispered in his ear. he looked confused at first but you cocked your head twords the approaching guy and the group behind him who where all staring and he seemed to understand. in one fluid movement he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you into him, planting a kiss on your head. "there you are babe, i was just about to go looking for you, we really should be going" he made sure to say this loud enough for the guy to hear. he let out a string of curses and marched back to his friends. the guys removed his arm from around you and you smiled thankfully. holy shit he's kinda hot. "thanks that was a close one." "no problem, i'm daniel by the way" he gave you a small smile, making you heart flutter uncontrollably.

- "i really don't know lou" you said looking back and forth between the two different pillows. "well ima let you decide while i run to the bathroom real quick" you and your best friend where our shopping for things for your apartment you where buying togther. you where having problems picking out the pillows for your bed. just then you noticed a cute guy down the isle from you and you decided to shoot your shot, maybe he could help. " hey" you walked up to him. " you look like you've got good taste" you looked at his clothes. " thanks" he smiled and blushed a bit. god he really is cute you thought. " which one do think i should go with" you held up the two pillows for him to examine. "hmmmm" he contemplated thoughtfully. "well i don't know you that well but i think that the grey ones nice" he gestured to the one in your right hand. " ok thank you. my names y/n by the way" you smiled. "i'm jack" he smiled back, making your heart do backflips.'" do you think i could get you number jack" he looked surprised, but pleased. "sure!"

- "oof" you hum-fed and you bumped right into someone, not looking where you where going, and fell back in your butt. "sorry bout that" the guy said as he extend a hand to help you up. " no don't be i was the one not paying attention." you looked up to meet his chocolate brown eyes. "where are you going" he asked looking you up and down. " to the campus over there" you pointed. "oh cool, i'm going that way to, we can walk together if you want." he smiled. "maybe i can stop you from bumping into anyone else" "ok sure" you smiled and set of at an easy pace twords the tall building s in the distance. "what's your name, mines zach" "i'm y/n" "that's a really pretty name" you blushed and kept walking. "so what's your major" he asked his hand brushing yours, sending jolts of electricity through your body. you told him about your major and some of your other classes and he told you about his music and band and soon enough you had reached the door to your building. " we'll see you later y/n" later??that would be nice"bye zach" you smiled as you headed into your class.

eeeekkkk it's christmas eve dijcjsnfd
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