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- "okay for this next shot we need the two
of you kissing" the director instructed. i looked over at my boyfriend jonah, who had come with me to the shoot. he had his arms crossed and was staring daggers at the male model i was shooting with. i met his eyes and mouthed "it's ok babe" he just shook his head and stopped away. i don't know why but jonah always gets jealous of the models i shoot
with. i mean yes i did have to
kiss them sometimes and they would touch me
or hold me but it was only for the poses
and didn't mean anything to me or the other models.
we took a few shots, and did a few more
poses, jonah was no where in sight.
when we got done i changed back into some sweats and jonah's sweatshirt and went out to find him.
i saw him sitting in his car with his head against the head rest. i could the music from where i stood.
shaking my head, i walked over to his door and opened it up. i pulled him begrudgingly out of the seat and gave him a big hug. he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. "your mine. ok all mine"

- "it's ok bubbs it's only for a few days i'll be back before you know it" i hugged my boyfriend corbyn as he whined in complaint. i was going away with some of my friends on a week long camping trip. corbyn wanted to come but he couldn't because mangment had packed the week full of different interviews and recording sessions. "what makes it even worse is that i won't even be able to text or call you" " i know but it's really only gonna be a few days. besides you'll have fun with the boys here." "i guess" he held me tighter and we stayed like that for a few minutes until he pulled back to look me in the eyes. " wait is james going to??" i sighed. james was my ex. we had broken up over two years ago and where still in the same friend group. he still had feelings for me, even after two years, but i was happily in love with corbyn. still he countined to flirt with me, even after i told him to stop countless times. "yes, but don't worry i won't let anything happen" i rushed to say as i could see the anger boiling on his face. " i swear if he touches a hair on your head i will literally kill him" "don't worry babe i won't let him" "good because no one except me gets to touch you"

- " OH YES THAT ONE TIME" "OMG YES WHEN-" " AND THEN" "BUT IT DIDNT-" me and my childhood best friend pierce fell on the door out of laughter. he had come to l.a with some of his friends and wanted to stop by since we hadn't seen each other since his last trip down about 5 months ago. my boyfriend daniel helped me up off the floor, the muscles in his arms flexing. pierce helped him self off the floor, still laughing. " so how long are you gonna be here pierce" daniel asked, the distaste evident in his tone. i gave him a look before turning to pierce. " well jax wants to leave by next week so i guess by then" "oh how is jax" jax was another one of our childhood best friends. on his last trip here, pierce had told me that he and jax had started dating. jax had come out as bi about a year ago. daniel still didn't know. he clenched his jaw. " well i hope you enjoy your time here" i gave his hand a little squeeze and he relaxed his posture a little. "well it was good to see you again y/n, are you free to go get coffee or something tomorrow??" "yea sure, see you then" "bye" pierce closed the door behind him. suddenly i was tackled on to the couch, daniel trapping me underneath him. "i don't like it" "what don't you like" i fiddled with the different strands of his hair. " i don't know i just don't like it. he's known you forever and i..." "daniel seavey are you jealous" " what noooo i just" he mumbled. i laughed and kissed him. "you have nothing to worry about"

- "ok now i'm gonna pair you up in partners" the instructor said. i bit my lip nervously and looked towards the bathroom where my boyfriend jack still hadn't come back. the instructor eventually got to me and he pared me with a random guy sitting next to me. i smiled at him uncomfortably as he smirked and looked me up and down. i sideled away from him alwardly. " alright now firsts where gonna do down stretches before we begin the actual yoga poses" the instructor sat down on his mat and began leading us in different stretches. i tried to follow along but was a little distracted trying to stay as far away from the guy show a soared with me as i could. he seemed oblivious at how uncomfortable he was making me by trying to tour ch my shoulders or ass. i glanced nervously towards the bathroom. jackkk where areee you. "alright now let's begin for the first pose your gonna want to make sure your breathing slowly and calmly. so grab your partner and then you want to lay back on you legs and...." i drowned out the sound of the instructor as i nervously moved twords my partner. he reached for my hands and started to press his waist against mine. i coudnt do this. i started backing away but he wouldn't let go. suddenly i was yank back and jacks arms where around me. "dude can't you tell you where making her uncomfortable" i smiled up at him as the other guy walked away grumpily "only i get to do yoga with you"

- "so what should we do now" will said. me and my boyfriend and his band mates and there girlfriends where over at our friend wills house to hang out. "oh how bout a game" corbyn exclaimed. " OOO YES how bout twister" zach and jack said together. " i will go and grab it" will jumped off the couch and disappeared for a few seconds before returning with the white box in his hand. " how not the girls and me go first and then the boys" will suggested. we all looked at him awkwardly before agreeing. unfolding the mat, the boys sat around, daniel with the spinner while me, the girls and will got ready on the side. "left hand red" daniel proclamied. we all put our left hand on red. the game countined like this until it was only me and will left. "COME ON BABE BEAT HIM" zach yelled from the side. i smiled. my back was throbbing and my hands where sore but i was determined to beat will. "right leg green" daniel yelled. i shifted my right leg and froze. will was underneath me and i could feel his bulge pressing against my ass. i think zach could tell because he suddenly got really tense. will was smirking as daniel countinued to give us instructions. again we where our in more akward situations. suddenly out of nowhere will but his hand on my butt. i tensed and was about to push him down when zach stood up abrasively and pushed will of me. "what the hell man don't you dare touch my girlfriend like that" zach grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door.

thanks for reading
i love you
also sorry for any spelling mistakes

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