"And did you?"

"Betty, how... Why would I decapitate a bronze statue?"

"Maybe the same reason you wrote that article. To avenge Toni's and Celeste's grandparents. I mean, you and Celeste are close."

"Sure. We're pals."

"Close pals. I saw you guys at Pop's early one morning, in the middle of the Black Hood attacks. You were having breakfast, and you seemed like more than pals. And I know it's not my place to ask, but did anything ever happen between you two?" I stay quiet looking at Jughead who looked

"Yeah. The night of the Gauntlet, after you sent Archie to break up with me, Celeste stayed over. She gave me a... Tattoo. And we did some stuff, but not everything."


"I promise you bet is true what he saying." I spoke

"But since you brought it up, have you done anything with anyone since we broke up?"

"No. No. Of course not." Why do I find that hard to believe back home daddy got a call from FP mom and dad got dressed in their old Serpent clothes

" Why do I find that hard to believe back home daddy got a call from FP mom and dad got dressed in their old Serpent clothes

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Xavier took us to the South side bar and we walk in hearing

"But if we're gonna fix this, I gotta ask: Is anyone in this room responsible for cutting off Pickens' head?" Said FP

"Why don't you ask your son what he has to say?"

"What is your problem with me, Tall Boy?"

"You wrote the article that started this mess. You and your posse fired the opening shot at Pickens Day."

"It was a peaceful protest, Turncoat."

"That accomplished nothing. So what's to say that you and your boyfriend didn't go back that night with a ladder and hacksaw"

"Hey! We didn't do it. Hell, Tall Boy, you're the tallest guy in this room. You wouldn't even need a ladder."

"Hey!" Shout dad everyone turned to look at our direction

"Well looks who's here"

"Jughead... Tall Boy, the last thing we need right now is to turn on each other." He said

"Hey... We'll find a way out of this." Ended FP then I get a call from Veronica asking her dad wants a chat with me so I go over and take Xavier with me once their I knock on his office door and he opens the door me and Xavier walk in an I sit down as Xavier stand behind me

"Security of yours"

"More like bodyguard of mine since I was five Xavier has protect me but I don't think that's what you wanted to chat about is it Mr. Logde"

"No I wanted to speak to you about a rumor I heard... That you paid Nick St. Clair a visit. And roughed him up a bit."

"Mr. Logde when I heard Cheryl tell Archkinss that her and Veronica almost got assaulted by that animal I wanted to simplify that he'll not hurt someone I consider a friend and I thought you of all people would have gone to the extreme to protect your own daughter. if it was my father who heard I almost got man handled by some brute well let's say he would have the entire St. Clair family out of the picture and I know Archie would have beaten the daylights out of Nick"

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