Chapter sixty

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I went back home.

'Hey. And?' Marlene asked

'They found Bellatrix guilty. She's in prison. She used the imperius curse on Jones. I'm guessing only for the whole drugging thing. And they found out who helped Bellatrix and stole my necklace to make it look like i killed him.' i said

'Who?' mom asked

I cleared my throat.

'Peter Pettigrew.' i said

'What??' Marlene asked shocked

'Yeah... I know... He did it cause he hated me and my dad. He hated us because my father is his father.' i said

'He what?' mom asked

I looked at her.

'That bloody asshole... Sorry.' mom said looked at me

'No worries. I feel the same way.' i said

'Peter killed Mr. Snow? He's your brother? He betrayed us.' Marlene said

'I'm sorry sweetie.' mom said to her

'Remember the time i asked you about the Animagus form as a rat?' And you told me to stay away?' i asked mom

She nodded her head.

'I was talking about Pettigrew.' i said
'I'm sorry Marlene.'

'We should tell the others.' Marlene said

'You have to go back to school anyways.' mom said

'Mom. I'm coming back. I'm not letting you plan a funeral on your own.' i said

'You can't miss that much school.' mom said

'I'll handle it. Promise.
'Let's tell everyone about Pettigrew.' i said to Marlene
'Don't stay here alone. Go and stay with the Potters till I'm back.'

'I'll be alright.' mom said

'Be back in no time.' i said

Marlene and i teleported back to school. And went to the Gryffindor common room.

'Hey.' everyone said

'And?' Sirius asked

'Bellatrix killed my dad. She's in Azkaban now.' i said

'And Bellatrix used the imperius curse on Jones.' Marlene said

'Bloody hell. I always hated Bellatrix. No offense.' Remus said to Sirius

'None taken.' Sirius said

'Can we have a word with Lily, Remus, Sirius and James in private?' i asked

'Sure.' they said

We went to Remus dorm and closed the door.

'Bellatrix had help. And we wanted you to know before you see it in the newspaper. And he wasn't cursed by her.' i said

'Who?' Sirius asked

'Peter.' Marlene said

'What??' they all asked

'Why would he do that?' Sirius asked

'Cause he hates me.' i said
'He's my half brother and he thinks my father chose me over him.' i said

'Still. How could he?' Remus asked

'I'm sorry.' i said

'Why? It's not your fault.' Sirius said

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