Chapter thirty three

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I was waiting for Will in the forbidden forest. I believed him. But i still needed to see for myself that Jones is actually in a clinic.

Dumbledore should really get fired. I mean. He's gonna expel people for punching someone, but not for drugging someone. How does that make any sense?

'Hey. Don't you have class right now?' Will asked

'I do. But I'm skipping.' i said

'You'll get in trouble.' Will said

'Whatever. Let's go.' i said

We went to a clinic in London. It was hidden very well. I wouldn't be able to find it by myself. It's good. That means her father won't be able to find her if he tries.
We went in and Will asked to see her sister.
We went up to the second floor and went in room 38.

'Hi Tony. I brought someone with me.' Will said

'Aaa. Snow. I see you came to make sure I'm actually in here.' Jones said

'I should leave. I got what i needed.' i said

'Wait for me outside. We'll go drink a coffee or something.' Will said

'Alright. I'll wait outside.' i said and went out

He didn't stay too long. He came down and we went to a cafe in London.

'So. Are you gonna tell him you like him?' Will asked

'Who?' i asked

'Who you like. If it's because of your father then, idk. Just don't give a shit about him.' Will said

'It's not that easy.' i said

'Look. I know it's not. But... It's your life. Not his. Just do whatever makes you happy. If he makes you happy, then just be with him.' he said

'It's not a him.' i said

'Fine. Then a her. A them. Whatever. Just stop giving a shit about your father. If he tries something, just go against him. Make him feel terrible for not being in your life. And who knows? Maybe he'll surprise you and be okay with it.' Will said

I started laughing.

'Please. He'll never be okay with me dating a half-blood.' i said

'Only half-blood. That's not that bad.' he said

'Yeah. Well.' i said

'If I'd give a shit about everything my father everytime i do something. Then i wouldn't be sitting here right now. I wouldn't have helped you. I would be just like him.' he said

'Yeah. I know. You're right. I just... I don't want her getting hurt.' i said

'Then don't let her get hurt. We all know you're very powerful and a badass. Protect her. Look. It's your life. If you don't wanna date her, then don't. But if you do, then just do it and forget about your father.' he said

'I- I don't know. I don't know what I want. I'll have to figure it out.' i said

'Okay. I have to go. I'll have to hide for a bit. Until i can go against my father.' he said

'Yeah. Be careful. See you when I see you.' i said

'Yeah. See you.' he said

I hugged him and went back to hogwarts

'Miss Snow. Where were you?' Dumbledore asked

'London.' i said

'You skipped class. You know I'll have to give you detention.' Dumbledore said

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