Chapter three

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The party


Finally it was time to get drunk.
It was like 10pm. Some people were already in the common room drinking.
Andi and i still needed something to wear.

'I can't find anything in my closet.' i said

'Who are you trying to impress?' she asked

'No one.' i said looking at her

'Then just wear something.' she said

'No. It's a party, i need something nice. Elegant but sexy, maybe black or green.' i said

'Look in my closet.' she said rolling her eyes
'I must have something.' she said laughing

She always got clothes from Bella and Cissy or she stole some from them.

Then i saw it.

This is definitely Bella's

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This is definitely Bella's. It's so gorgeous. I love it.

'Can i borrow this?' i asked showing her the dress

'Yes.' she said

This dress with my knee boots

This dress with my knee boots

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Yes definitely. I'll need some jewelry with it.

 I'll need some jewelry with it

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Sweet Love ~Marlene Mckinnon~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora