Chapter twenty five

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Camping trip


'Let's go in the water.' i said getting my shirt off and my trousers
'Reg come on.' i said going towards the water

'How is it? Is it cold?' Reg asked

'It's quite alright.' i said

He came towards me and jumped in the lake.

'Woho. Come on guys.' Reg said

Sev and Andi came in the water as well and then the rest of the group.
Well besides Sirius, Marlene and Pettigrew.

'You guys are boring.' i said

Remus picked me up and turned done around. It's weird how close we are.

'You can let me down now.' i said

And he put me back down. I splashed some water towards him and he got mad. He's gonna get me back. So i started running out of the water and just running around. He was running after me. But then he sat down.

'You'll need to come back anyways.' Remus said

'Ass.' i said
'Okay. Okay. Just don't throw me in the lake. Please.' i said with puppy eyes

He picked me up and threw me in the lake.

'What did i just say?' i asked

'Sorry darling.' Remus said sitting back down, next to Sirius

'Does he look jealous or is that just me?' Evans whispered to me looking at Sirius

'Only a little bit.' He has no reason to be jealous tho.' i whispered back

'Tell him that.' she said

Yeah. Maybe i should. I definitely know Remus might get just as jealous about Marlene.

'Moony come back here!' Potter shouted

'Just a minute.' Remus said

'Marlene. Pads. You too.' Potter said


'You coming?' Marlene asked me

'I need a smoke first.' i said

'Okay.' Marlene said going inside the lake

'Shit, the water is cold.' Marlene said

'You get used to it.' Prongs said

'Okay. I'm going back in too. Don't wait too long.' Moony said

I saw Snow getting out of the water and sitting down next to me.

'You don't need to be jealous.' she said

'What do you mean?' i asked

'Remus and i. We're friends. Just like you and Marlene. And there's nothing you have to be jealous about. If i wanted to keep him, then i wouldn't have helped you two get together.' she said

'Yeah. I know. Still weird.' i said

'Yeah. It will be. But you can't let jealousy get to you. Jealousy will tear you apart. And you don't want that do you?' she said

'No. I do not.' i said

'Besides. I'm guessing you know who I smelled in my Amortentia.' she said

'Yeah. She likes you too.'
'Was she the one giving you that hickey?' i asked

'Maybe. But I don't know what to say about her liking me. But, like i said. No need to get jealous. You know? I know we dislike each other, a lot. But we should try and be friends. For Remus.' she said

Sweet Love ~Marlene Mckinnon~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora