Chapter twenty nine

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It was lunch time. Andi went down to see Tonks. Sirius went to class and Reg went to his house to pack some stuff. His mom is off somewhere, so she won't notice till she comes back.

'Alright. Shall we?' Andi asked

'Yeah. How is Tonks?' i asked

'He's feeling better.' Andi said

I took Andi's hand and she took her bags and we teleported ourselves home.

'Mom is working. Let's make room for your things.' i said

We went upstairs and started making room for her things.

'There's a drawer full of books. I think it's the third one. You can take the books out and put your underwear in there. I need to get the books back in the library anyways.' i said

'Alright.' Andi said

I started making room in my closet. And Andi made room in the drawer i told her about.

'Also. There's an empty box under my bed, you can take it and use that too. And put it under the guest bed. Your bed now.' i said
'If you need anything else. Let me know. I can take down some wall pictures and you can out some on, if you like.'

'No it's alright.' Andi said

'Okay. Let's make room in the bathroom for you.' i said

We both went to the bathroom and made some room in the shower and in the bathroom closet.

'Okay and if you need anything else, just make a list and we'll bring it.' i said

'Thanks. Really. This means a lot for me.' Andi said

'It's alright. We need more women in this house anyways.' i said laughing

'You sure, your mom will be alright with this?' Andi asked

'Yess! Sev is living here and now Reg. She'll be fine with you. At least you're not that crazy.' i said

I heard the door and went downstairs.

'Mom?' i asked

'Oh. Hey Katie, Andromeda. What are you two doing here?' mom asked

'Andromeda needs a place to stay.' i said

'Well she can stay here.' mom said

'Yeah. That's why we're here. We made room in my room for her stuff.' i said

'What happened?' mom asked

'I got disowned for dating a muggleborn.' Andi said

'Oh, I'm sorry sweetie. You are part of this family now. At least i have one normal kid living in this house now.' mom said

'Hey. We're all normal. We just like to have fun.' i said

'How are things with you and Jones?' mom asked

'Fine. I didn't punch her again.' i said

'Alright. Andromeda if you need something, let me know.' mom said

'Yess. I will. Thanks.' Andi said

'Also, Reg will move in.' i said

'He already lives here.' mom said

'Not quite. But he just went to get his stuff. I think he'll be here in half an hour. Or sooner.' i said

'Alright. He got tired of living with his parents?' mom asked

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