Chapter thirty nine

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Next Day


Remus was allowed to skip school. Sirius skipped as well. He didn't get permission, so he'll get detention, but that didn't matter to him.

'Hey.' Lily said

'Hi.' i said
'How is he?'

'Better. He's awake and eating.'
'You should go see him.' she said

'Later. We have class now. Come on.' i said

We had Herbology. I sat next to Marlene and Lily sat next to James.

'How was hogsmeade?' i whispered

'Nice. I missed you tho.' she whispered back
'Hope Remus is doing better.'

'Lily says he is.' i whispered
'You and Pettigrew spend time together at hogsmeade?'

'No. I stayed with Andromeda and Tonks. I didn't want to give him the wrong impression, again.' she whispered

'Alright.' i said


Sirius just told me. Katie knows about me being a werewolf.

'She knows?' i asked

'Yeah. She figured it out.' Pads said

'How? How was she? Was she okay with it?' i asked

'Yes. She seemed fine with it. And she's smart. So she figured it out.'
'She took care of you. She healed your ribs and your scratches.' he said

'Yeah. She is a very great friend.' i said

'She is.' he said



We all went back to Remus and stayed with him.

'Hey.' Remus said

'How are you feeling?' i asked

'I'm alright. Thanks.' Remus said smiling

'Okay so. Should we like have a sleepover party?' Reg asked

'Really? How old are you? Ten?' Sev asked

'Please you love sleepovers.' i said looking at him and Reg

'Oh shut up.' Sev said

'I think Remus needs some rest tonight.' James said

'Yeah. So Sirius is not allowed to stay over.' i said laughing

Sirius rolled his eyes and laughed.

'What are y'all up too?' Remus asked

'I have to get to detention in a few seconds, so... Have fun, see you later.' Sirius said kissing Remus

We all made a fake shocked face.

'Oh shut up, you all knew.' Sirius said

'Yeah pretty much.' Lily said

'Yep.' Marlene said

'Yeah.' James and Regulus said

'I helped you get together, so yeah.' i said

'I hate you guys. Bye.' Sirius said leaving the room

'How was hogsmeade?' Remus asked

'The same.' Marlene said

'How is your head?' i asked Remus

'Katie. I'm alright. My head is fine. I've eaten some soup and drank lots of water. I'm gonna be fine.' Remus said smiling

'Alright.' i said

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