Chapter twenty eight

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New day. New opportunities.

It was lunch. I heard Jones had some snakes in her dorm. I hope she's okay. I know Dumbledore will ask me questions, but i don't care.

'Thanks.' Lily said

'I have no idea what you're talking about.' i said with a smirk on my face

'Miss Snow. Might i have a word please?' Dumbledore asked

'I'll leave.' Lily said walking to James

'Yes? Professor.' i said

'Miss Jones had snakes in her dorm this morning-'  Dumbledore said

'Oh. Professor, you know snakes don't bite other snakes. But i hope she's okay.' i said

'So you had nothing to do with it?' Dumbledore asked

'No. I was in my dorm the whole night.' i said
'I'm gonna go back to my friends now.'

'I really hope, i won't have to expel you.' Dumbledore said

'You won't have to.' i said walking back to my friends

Well i did tell her to stay away from my friends. I gave her a warning. Can't do anything about her ignoring it. Jones started this. I'm just finishing it.

'Your mom is here.' Sev said

'Where?' i asked

'Talking to Regulus over there.' Sev said pointing to Reg and my mom

I walked over to her and Reg.

'Hey mom. What are you doing here?' i asked her

'Dumbeldore sent me a letter. He said you punched a girl.' mom said

'Uhh, yeah.' i said

'Now why would you do such thing?' mom asked

'Well she started it.' i said

'You don't look like you've been punched.' mom said

'I haven't. But she just started flirting with James, getting in his space. And that was annoying me, cause he has a girlfriend and she just doesn't get it.'
'She needs to stay away from me and my friends.' i said

'You can't just punch someone. No matter what they do.' she said

'You're right about that. I can not do such thing. I warned her tho. I will behave myself in the future.' i said

'And what about the snakes?' mom asked

'What snakes?' i asked

'In Jones dorm!' she said

'Oh. Yeah i heard about that. Hope she's okay.' i said

'Well just stop punching people, please.' she said

'Promise i will.' i said
'Was nice seeing you.' i said giving her a hug

'See you later.' mom said

'Yeah. See you later.' i said walking back to my friends


It was tea time.
I was trying to find Andi and Tonks.

'They might be having some fun.' Sirius said

'Yeah. Maybe, but with the whole thing with Jones. Idk. Besides Andi never misses tea.' i said

'Okay. But why the forest?' Sirius asked

'I saw Tonks going in here.' i said
'Thanks for coming with me.'

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