Chapter fifty four

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Christmas ball


'Shouldn't you get changed?' Mom asked

'I'm not going.' i said

'Yes you are. If it's because of me, I'll be fine. You go and have fun. You don't get to go to a ball everyday. And this your last year of school. Don't worry about me. I won't be alone. Euphemia is coming over. James mom.' mom said

She came closer to me and tucked my hair behind my year. Holding my face.

'I love you. But please go to the ball and have fun. Change now. I want to see your dress.' mom smiled

I smiled and nodded my head slowly.
I changed into my dress. Did my make up and my hair and put my shoes on. And then went downstairs.

 And then went downstairs

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'Wow.' mom said
'You look beautiful.'

'Mom. Why are you crying?' i asked

'Cause you just look so beautiful. Now. Have fun. Don't drink too much. I love you. I can't believe you only have a semester left of school. After you're gonna graduate and move out.' mom said

'Are you kicking me out?' i asked smiling

'No. Of course not. But you'll probably move out one day.' mom said

'Yeah. One day. I'll still visit tho.' i said

'I know. Go. Now.' mom said pushing me towards the fire place

I teleported myself to the lake and waited for Marlene.

The ball started already. So people were already inside.

'Hey. Sorry I'm a bit late.' Marlene said

'Wow...' i said

'You like it?' Marlene asked

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'You like it?' Marlene asked

'I love it. You look so pretty. So hot. You always do. But... Wow.' i said

'Thanks you. You look gorgeous as well. Shall we go inside?' Marlene asked

'Yes.' i said

We took each other's hand and went inside the ball room. Some people were looking at us. Confused. Shocked. Especially our friends.

Sweet Love ~Marlene Mckinnon~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu