Chapter seventeen

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One week later
Beginning of the year dance


Sev and Reg did have sex a week ago after the party. They're now something. Kinda dating. They won't go to the dance together tho. It's too soon apparently. And they want to stay private for now.

Sev is going with Andi. I gave them that idea. Cause Andi can't go with Tonks and who better to go with then your cousins boyfriend, or whatever.

Reg hasn't found anyone yet. But hopefully he will till tonight.
It's lunch time.

'Hey.' Remus said

'Hey. Ready for tonight?' Potter asked

'Yes. You?' i asked looking at Potter

'Yeah.' Potter said

'Have you got a dress?' Evans asked

'Yeah.' i said

'How does it look?' Remus asked

'You gonna see, tonight.' i said

'Okay. Can't wait.' Remus said

'Evans, why don't you and Marlene come to my dorm? Then we can all get ready together.' i said

'Sure. What time?' Evans asked

'Well the dance starts at 8pm so maybe you can come at 6pm.' i said

'Okay. Sure.' Evans said

We have potions now. We went up for class.

'Hello. Today we're gonna do Amortentia. Does anyone know what Amortentia is?' Professor Slughorn asked
'Miss Evans.'

'Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them.' Evans said

'Very good, miss Evans.' Professor said
'Now. You will find the receipt in your books. Start working.' Professor said


A few minutes later

'Omg. I did it.' Evans said

'Shit. I think mine is broken' Sirius said

'I did it.' Sev said

'Ofc you did.' i said

'You're just jealous you can't do it.' Sev said

'Who says i can't do it?' i asked

Then i continued working on my Amortentia

'Omg. I made it. I actually did it. My first ever position.' i said

'Well done Katie.' Sev said with a proud smile on his face

'Okay. Who wants to tell me what they smell?' Professor asked.

Evans raised her hand once again.

'Miss Evans.' Professor Slughorn said

'I smell library, seawater and there's another smell, i don't know exactly what it is. Smells comforting. Like home.' she said

'Okay, who's next?' Professor asked


'Mr. Lupin.' Professor said

'I can smell... smoke, sugar and coffee.' i said

I know two persons that smell like all of these things. Katie and Sirius.

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