Chapter twelve

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I woke up and went downstairs to the common room. I wasn't really hungry but Sev and Reg probably are.

Oh my gosh. They had sex. Bloody hell. I hope they don't ask me what happened, cause i can't tell them.

'Morning.' Andi said

'Morning.' i said

'You think the two slept well?' she asked pointing to Reg's dorm

Oh they slept well alright. I need to hold in my laugh. She would ask me why I'm laughing and i can't explain it to her.

'Morning.' Sev said in low voice

'Morning.' i said trying my best not to laugh

Why do I even wanna laugh. It's not that funny. I'm probably still in shock.

'Why do I feel like someone shoved a broom down my ass?' Sev asked

That's when i snapped. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I just started laughing my ass out. He has no fucking idea that he got laid. With Regulus!

'Why are you laughing?' Sev asked looking at me

Andi looked at me too. Waiting for an answer

'It's just funny.' i said trying to calm myself

'What is?' he asked

'You. You took 3 pills of ecstasy and want us to know what happened to you?' i asked

'You always keep an eye on us.' he said

'Yeah. And i did. Until i fell asleep. You were asleep. I don't know what you did if you woke up.' i said

'True. We were both awake for like 3 hours after you two took the pills and then we went to sleep.' Andi said

'Well then why do I feel like this?' he asked

'I don't know.' i said

How am I supposed to tell him? I can't.

'Morning. What the hell happened last night?' Reg asked coming down the stairs

'You did something stupid.' i said

'You took drugs!' Andi said hitting the back of his head

'Ouch. Sorry. Not the first time tho.' Reg said

'Yeah. Still.' Andi said looking at Reg

'Is that all?' Reg asked

No. No it's not all. You had sex. With Severus. But i can't tell you that.

'Pretty much.' i said

'How's your tattoo?' he asked pointing at my left hip

'It's fine. Doesn't hurt. Can't wait to shower tho.' i said

'Hmm. I bet.' Reg said

'Shall we go to breakfast?' Sev asked

'Yeah. Let's go.' i said

We got up and went down to the great hall. I looked for Remus and the rest of the group. But only Marlene, Longbottom and Pettigrew were there. I mean, he said he might not show up. He probably had a long night.

I have to meet mom later. I think at launch. Until then i could read something.

Maybe my new book.

Yeah. I'm gonna read my new book.

I was finished with breakfast and went back to the common room.

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