Chapter twenty one

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Fake relationship


Katie was smart. Now i can tease him. I can act like we're dating for a whole day. I really love that she's helping me. And is not mad about me lying to her.

I was getting so nervous next to him. And i think so is he. I had an idea.
I slowly put my hand on his thighs and squeezed it a bit.


Shit. What is he doing?

Acting like your boyfriend.

That is a bit too much. His hand on my thigh. Just feels so good. Fuck. I thought it will be easy.

'Okay. Sirius don't be so awkward. Just be yourself.' Snow said

I can't be myself. If i am myself. Then I'll do something dumb.

'Why am i the only one who has to do this anyways?' i asked
'It's not really fair.'

'Okay. True. Then what do you want me to do?' Snow asked


I mean it was fair. Why should we play a game, where only Sirius and Remus have to do something?

'Ahm. I don't really know.' Sirius said
'Okay. What about answer all my questions or... Let Peter pick your next tattoo.' Sirius said

'Answer all your questions for the whole day?' i asked

'Well if i have to act like Remus is my boyfriend for the day then yes. It's only fair.' he said

'Okay. Sure. I'll answer all your questions.' i said

That was dumb. But a tattoo from a guy i don't know. That would be even worse. I mean how bad can it be. As long as he doesn't ask me who Reg is dating. Which i hope he doesn't. Then we should be fine

'Okay. First question. Who did you smell in your Amortentia?' Sirius asked

Son of a... Bloody hell. Okay. I need some smart answer. I can't tell him, i smelled Marlene.

Maybe he knows you did?
I mean i bet he knows what Marlene smells like.

'Ahm? Not Remus.' i said

Ofc. Remus knew i didn't smell him. He didn't know who i smelled. But he didn't seem to be mad.

'That's not a proper answer.' Sirius said

'Actually. Technically, it is. I didn't say the name of who i smelled. But i said i didn't smell my boyfriend.' i said

He rolled his eyes and looked at Remus.

'So, should we all do this weird game?' Evans asked

'Only if you want to.' i said

'Yes!' Sirius shouted

'No need to get loud.' i said

'Okay. Well. Remus, Sirius and you are out of the game then?' Evans asked

'Yeah.' i said

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