"Let's go," I said, and gave a nod to the guard who guided us through the cell.

Soon we reached a door and the guard took out his keys unlocking them and then looked back at me, "this is my formal conversation informing you that, herein, everything you say and talk about will be recorded and can be used in future trials. Further, The accused are sitting inside and you have exactly 30 minutes to spend inside while I'll wait outside, In case of emergency, please call me immediately."

I felt princess put her hand on top of mine which was resting on her waist and tighten her hold which, I returned, she wasn't asking me for assurance rather she was assuring me that she's fine.We were in this together.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the door and deliberately did not look into anyone's eyes and rather sat on the other side of the table, pushing the chair back for Sierra as-well. Once Sierra sat down, I looked into her eyes and she immediately nodded letting me know everything's fine so far.

Finally, I looked up at the bast*rds in front of me, Harry sat back with no expression on his face, he looked unbothered and exhausted while on the other hand, Vega had a smirk on his face he was trying to provoke me.

Calm down Alex, Calm down.

Let's begin this game.


"Ahh, my life's biggest disappointment is here to see me, huh?" the monster asked me and looked up to my eyes.

Never look into the eyes of someone angry, my unconscious mind reminded me and the thought made me smile.

I had won against my fears, I knew the rule but I wanted to fight and with safe by my side, I knew there's nothing to fear.

I looked back into the eyes of the monster and maintained strong eye contact without blinking.

I didn't want to say anything, these monsters don't serve my words.

I know what I deserve, and the only person who gets to see my vulnerability and love is safe and my family.

Only them, no one else.

With the people I love by side, I know there's nothing to fear, nothing that I can't defeat, and overall that, I have to make safe proud.

Finally, the monster broke eye contact and looked down for a brief second, "what the hell do you want? Don't worry, the prison is nothing, your birth alone was my greatest punishment"

"Funny, how you remind me of a person who has an entire coal mine in his hand but is crying because he didn't know how to make diamonds out of the coal. But then again, you were never one with brains of his own to be able to do something on your own, you had a diamond and yet you threw it away like its stones, and then, after that, you had my father's stolen designs yet here your company is facing bankruptcy. You're what people call talentless basta*ds" Alex pushed in and smirked while leaning onto the table, looking straight back at the monster.

I looked still at the other monster, the one who broke my soul, and saw him look back at me with no emotions at all.

Something inside me was itching, I knew I was okay, I knew I defeated my monsters but something was irking me.

"At least, I wasn't dumb like your father was. A stupid idiot ready to do anything for his dream" the monster said again, and I quickly put my hand on safes thigh under the table.

I knew, even if he didn't show it, his parents were his soft spot.

Safe looked at me for a brief moment and then chuckled, looking back at the monster, "Of course, you're not like my father, he wasn't an animal. He had the brain to know that he could risk it all because he could rebuild it, and look at me now, I didn't need any basta*d like you behind me to buy you"

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