Chapter 20 - See You in Hell

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I knocked on the door and bent down. The door slightly opened to which I barged through and kicked the kneecap of the person. A squeaky cry for help echoed.

'Missed me, sister?' I spat out with pure hatred. Allison laid on the floor cradling her knee that I smashed, tears streaming down her face. I kicked the door behind me and it slammed shut.

I bent down to her eye level and tilted my head, 'You're wondering how I got here?'

She winced, 'Please, just let me go.'

'I didn't kill people and break out of an asylum, then drive all the way here without food to just let you go,' I scoffed, '2 months, Allison, 2 long fucking months, I planned an escape. 2 months I wondered what you were doing and how shocked you'd be to see me. You fucking abandoned me,' I grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled it back.

She hissed as her scalp ached, 'Don't do this, Mallory. You know I did it for your best.'

I loosened my hand on her hair and roughly grabbed her chin, 'Do you know what I went through? They shocked me for a whole fucking month. If I hadn't lost my mind before, I certainly would've now by the power of the shocks. I was trapped in those walls, with no air to breathe and nothing to do, I was suffocating. You have no idea how it felt and I assure you that you don't want to know.' I gritted my teeth, 'Just because you thought Seth doesn't exist and I did those murders, you abandoned me. You fucking betrayed me,' I slapped her across the cheek.

She screamed and flinched as the stinging sensation resided.

I got up and sat on the sofa whilst she sat on the floor sobbing, 'You were right about the murders thought, I killed Hunter because that piece of shit placed a bet with Tyler to bed me, so he got what he deserved. Emily on the other hand, deserved it too, she wanted to pay me to stay away from Hunter, when I refused, that bitch stabbed me. And as for Jeffrey, that son of a bitch deserved it too, he treated me like shit and tortured me, he was fortunate I didn't kill him sooner. As I said, they deserved it, they weren't saints. However, you were wrong about Seth though, he exists. He was the one who killed Jeffrey and Tyler. He helped and protected me, something that all of you should've done as my fucking family. Even demons in hell found out how badly I've been tormented, hence, a demon came to earth as my saviour.'

'Are you that special that a demon came from hell? Mallory, listen to yourself, you sound like a fucking lunatic,' Allison yelled back.

I rolled my eyes, 'Maybe you will see him in hell,' I smirked then cocked the gun and aimed it at her head.

She closed her eyes and sniffled hard, 'Mal, please don't. I made a mistake, I'm sorry. O-okay, Seth exists, I'm s-sorry I doubted you,' she mewled, 'Don't k-kill me, please. Just tell me how to make it up to you.'

I paused for a second, 'You can make it up to me by dying. That's the only thing that will fix everything between us. I won't be satiated if I don't kill you. Seeing you live happily whilst I suffered is agony for me, Allison.'

She cried harder and closed her eyes, 'Okay, go ahead but just know that I'm sorry, I'm sorry for what you went through your whole life and at the asylum because of me. I thought I was doing what was best for you but I f-fucked up. I didn't realise that it would affect you even more. I'm so s-s-sorry and I love you so much. You were my little s-sister and you will be forever.'

'Allison,' she looked up at me, 'When did you plan on telling me that you were fucking Hunter whilst I was away?' She held a surprised look, I shook my head.

I looked straight into her eyes, 'I'll see you in hell, sister,' I pulled the trigger. The bullet exited the gun and penetrated Allison's forehead right between her eyes. A tear escaped my eye and a tear rolled down Allison's cheek.

Her body fell backward and landed on the ground with a huge thud. I bent down and slowly closed her eyelids and pressed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

I wiped my tears and left the house, I got into the car and began driving.

I'm all alone now, everyone left me. The two people I loved are gone too, Allison and Seth. Seth promised me he would stay and never leave me but he left.

Perhaps, Allison was right, Seth never existed, I mean a demon, a fucking demon protecting me, leaving his precious life to shield a pathetic, worthless human, that sounded too good to be true.

But, he felt so real, the sex, the kisses, his touch, his words, his body, everything felt so real.

Why did you leave me? I mumbled in the car as I began driving, are you even real? Or did I just create you?

Are you a manifestation of my imagination, someone I blamed for the deaths, but maybe I was the one killing everyone willing?

I just killed Allison and felt no remorse.

Fuck! I shouted and slammed my hands against the steering wheel.

Tears began flowing down my cheek, was I faking it or dreaming? I was really losing my mind, I continued mumbling.

I decided to get out of this town and head towards the countryside, my destination unknown.

So, that's what I did, I drove and drove and drove.

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